movie night-the band+flynn

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Summary: The band+Flynn have a movie night where they watch Descendants. 

Also they can be seen by Flynn in this, and they can eat and drink.

(It's been a while since I've watched Descendants, so don't come at me if I mess up the plot)


"SOMEONE GRAB THE POPCORN!!" Julie shouted, setting an array of candy and soda on the counter

"IT'S COOKING!" Reggie responded. 

Alex came down the stairs, spotting Reggie by the microwave. 

"Oh come on, you trusted Reggie to make the popcorn?" 

"Hey!! Just because I burned popcorn twice before doesn't mean I'll always burn popcorn!" Reggie shot back. 

"Julie, why do we have so much candy?" Luke complained, carrying two more shopping bags full of candy into the kitchen. 

"You can never go wrong with candy," Julie responded, taking the bags from him. 

"True as that may be, we do not need 30 different types of candy for one movie."

"We can save it for other movies."

"Hey, where's Flynn?" Reggie interrupted.

"I'm here!" Flynn exclaimed said, coming into the kitchen. "Julie Molina, what have I said about getting candy for movies?"

Julie bowed her head, muttering, "No buying out all the candy, I know, I know."

Flynn sighed, then grabbed a bag and started walking out. "Let's get this movie night started!"

Julie followed, carrying the rest of the candy and sodas.

"Reg, you good with the popcorn?" Alex asked cautiously.

"Yes, Alex, I promise I won't burn it."

Alex sighed, then he and Luke followed Julie and Flynn out to the studio. Julie and Flynn were already waiting, Julie with a half-eaten bag of M&M's in her hand. 

Alex sat down, snagging a bag of Sour Skittles. Luke followed, grabbing a Snickers bar. 

Three minutes later, Reggie came into the studio with a guilty look on his face. 

"Update: I burned the popcorn..." 

"See? I told you he was gonna burn the popcorn, but nobody ever listens to me," Alex grumbled. 

"Well, I have a solution..." Julie mumbled. 

Everyone turned towards her. Reaching into one of the shopping bags, she pulled out a bag of popcorn. 

"Jules, you better not have bought anything else," Flynn muttered. 

"I didn't, I promise! Now, let's get this movie started!"

"What movie are we watching?" Reggie asked, flopping down onto the couch.

"Descendants," Julie answered. "Since you guys missed out on some of the greatest Disney movies, we're going to watch them." She presses play.

From the moment the purple spellbook appeared on screen, Reggie was hooked. 

Alex however, was staring at the screen with a bored look on his face. He secretly loved these kinds of movies, but he didn't show it. 

The first song started, and Alex choked on his popcorn when a familiar figure appeared on screen. 

Julie quickly paused the movie and looked at Alex worriedly. 

"Alex, you alright?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," the drummer replied, still coughing.

"You choked on your popcorn, something happened," Flynn said, her attention still on the screen. 

"That guy that was just on screen, the one with the long hair that was dressed like Luke. He looks like Willie," Alex explained, coughing slightly. 

"What do you mean, 'dressed like Luke'?" Luke asked, looking slightly angry. 

"I mean, the beanie, the shirt with no sleeves..." Julie said. 

"Ok, whatever, can we just get back to the movie?" Luke grumbled. 

They continued to watch the movie in relative peace, save for Julie and Flynn singing the songs at the tops of their lungs. 

When the movie ended, Reggie was in tears. 

"So? What did you guys think?" Julie asked eagerly. 

"That...that was beautiful," Reggie whispered, tears falling from his face. 

"It was cool. It was really weird how that one guy looks exactly like Willie," Alex mumbled, half-asleep on the couch. 

"Are there more of these movies?" Luke asked, snatching the remote from Julie's hands. 

"Yes there are more movies, now GIVE IT BACK!" she screeched, lunging for the remote. 

Luke jumped out of her reach, dancing around the room. "You'll have to catch me first!" he taunted. 

"Hey lovebirds, get a room," Flynn said, yawning. 

Both Julie and Luke blushed, then at the last moment, Julie grabbed the remote, cheering in victory. 

Luke chased after her, and the two ran around the room for a good 10 minutes before settling down. 

When everyone fell asleep, it looked something like this: Julie asleep in Luke's arms, Reggie asleep next to Flynn, and Alex asleep on a beanbag chair. 


hehe here's some juke for once :)

sorry it took me so long to update, school's taking up a lot of my time. i'll probably write some more this weekend, so i'll have some chapters ready. 

question of the day: what other movies should the band watch? i need ideas lol. if you can't think of any movies, just put something you would wanna see me write. 

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now