movie night-hamilton

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Requested by: Lockwrow

Summary: Hamilton movie night with the band, Flynn, Carrie, and Willie

Ships: Alex/Willie    Flynn/Carrie

Notes: same as all other movie nights, the ghosts can be seen, and they can eat and drink


«authors note: hey everyone! I just wanted to say that if you're in d.c., please stay safe!»


"Hey Julie, we haven't had a movie night in a while. We should probably do that."

Julie hummed thoughtfully. "You're right, Mercer. We really should."

Alex groaned. "You've been spending too much time with Luke."

"I like your last name, hotdog. It sounds... regal, I guess? I don't know, but it's a cool last name."

Alex smiled goofily at Willie. If anyone else had said it, Alex would have just scowled at them. But if it was Willie...

"Wait, what did you say his last name was?" Flynn asked, shoveling a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

"Mercer, why?" Julie replied. Then her eyes lit up. "Oh my gosh, we're totally watching Hamilton."

Flynn tapped her nose. "Bingo."

Willie looked horrified. "You mean to tell me that you haven't shown them Hamilton??"

"Well, we were watching the Descendants trilogy, and Harry Potter."

"That's not an excuse."

"Yeah, nothing is an excuse for not watching Hamilton," Carrie agreed.

Julie sighed. "Alright, fine. Let's go watch Hamilton."

"Uh, what about Luke and Reggie?"

"Reggie was helping Carlos with his homework, and Luke is probably working on a new song in the studio."

Julie nodded and stood up. "REGGIE, CARLOS, WE'RE WATCHING A MOVIE!"

Alex winced. "Can you not yell in my ear?"

"Ah, sorry Alex."

Carlos hurried down the stairs, Reggie behind him. 

"What movie?" Carlos asked.

"Hamilton," Julie responded.

"Ah, only if all of your homework is done, mijo." Ray walked into the living room carrying a plastic tub full of candy. 

"It is! Reggie helped me with the math."

Ray nodded and handed the tub to Julie. "Alright. Now, mija. Don't. Eat. All. The. Candy," Ray said sternly. 

Julie nodded sheepishly. "Alright, Papi. I won't."

"Let's get this movie night started!" Carrie and Flynn exclaimed in perfect harmony. 

They headed out to the studio and found Luke aggressively scribbling in his notebook. He looked up when everyone walked in, and his brow furrowed when he saw the giant tub of candy that Julie was holding. 

"Movie night," Julie said by way of explanation.

"But I'm working on a song!" Luke protested. 

"Obviously not very well," Alex muttered. 

Luke shot a glare at the drummer. Alex glared back, crossing his arms defensively.

"Alright, let's just watch the movie," Willie hastily interrupted before a fight could break out. 

Alex sat down on the couch, arms still crossed, but his expression softened when his boyfriend sat next to him and wrapped an arms around him. 

"Let's try to get through this movie without any fights, alright?" Willie murmured. 

Alex nodded and rested his head on Willie's shoulder. "Hamilton did die in a duel though, so I don't know how many fights we can avoid."

Willie chuckled. "Touché, hotdog."

Julie glanced over at them. "Are you two gonna keep flirting, or can we start the movie?"

Flynn reached over and swatted at Julie's shoulder. "Just start the movie."

Julie nodded and pressed the start button on the remote. 

Surprisingly, Alex and Reggie didn't talk over the movie. Instead, the room was filled with Julie, Flynn, Carrie, Willie, and Carlos singing along to every. Single. Song.

The movie ended, and Flynn turned eagerly to face the ghosts. 

"So, what'd you think?"

Luke shrugged. "It was good."

"It was really good. But, were Laurens and Hamilton supposed to be a thing? Because they were totally flirting."

"They were a thing, hotdog."

Alex's jaw dropped. "Really?!"

Willie nodded in confirmation.

"Like, in real life??"

Willie laughed. "Yes, Lex. In real life."


Flynn shoved some popcorn into her mouth. "This is gold. Jules, are you recording this?"

"They wouldn't show up anyway," Julie pointed out.

Flynn frowned. "Oh yeah."

Carrie sympathetically patted her girlfriend's head. 

"So, Reggie, what did you think?"

Everyone glanced over to where Reggie was sitting. He was sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest, and shaking slightly. 

"Uh, Reg, you alright?"

"That was beautiful..." Reggie whispered, wiping the tears from his eyes. 

"Oh, look at that. Another movie night where Reg cried," Alex deadpanned. 

"Would it be a movie night if he didn't cry?" Julie teased. 

Luke lifted his hand. "Can we watch that again?"

~the end~

question of the day: have you watched Hamilton?

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now