i love you-willex

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Summary: Willie starts teaching his ex how to skate. Alex gets jealous, and they get into a fight. 

Suggested by: chelseacutlerr

Ships: Alex/Willie (dating)

Warnings: yelling, anxiety attack.

Notes: they are ghosts in this, willie's ex came back as a ghost.


Author's note: 9.1k reads?! thank you all so much for the support you've given me on this book 😭 all of your comments make my day. 


Alex poofed to the skatepark to find Willie. He saw Willie, and grinned. 

But he stopped when he got closer. 

Willie was holding the hands of someone, making sure they didn't fall off of the skateboard.

"Willie?" Alex asked quietly. 

Willie looked up and grinned at Alex. "Hey hotdog! Here, come over!"

Alex walked over slowly. 

"This is Asher," Willie said, gesturing to the boy on the skateboard. "He was my best friend when we were growing up."

"And your ex," Asher interrupted.

"Yeah, that too," Willie said quietly.

"Nice to meet you," Alex muttered.

"Hey, Lex, can I talk to you?" Willie looked nervous.

Alex's brain fed him a billon different scenarios, each one worse than the last.


Willie led Alex over to the opposite side of the skatepark. 

"I'm guessing you're here to break up with me?" Alex muttered.

Willie looked taken aback. "Lex, what are you talking about? Where is this coming from?"

"I saw the way you looked at Asher. There's clearly something going on."

Willie chuckled, but not in his usual happy way. This was different. 

"Unbelievable. I don't have feelings for him, and I never will. He was one of my best friends, like I said. We haven't seen each other for years, so of course we were happy."

"Was this the first time you'd seen him since you died?"

"No, we've met up before," Willie said quietly.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" 

"Because I knew this was how you were going to react! You're so insecure about our relationship, and you don't believe me when I say that Asher and I are just friends. You're supposed to trust me!" Willie yelled.

Alex took a few steps back. "Whatever," he muttered, then poofed away to the studio.

When he got to the studio, he collapsed onto the couch and sobbed. Julie ran over to him, placing a comforting hand on his back.

"Lex, what happened?" she murmured. 

"I saw Willie with his ex... and I overreacted... and he yelled at me... and said I didn't trust him..." Alex sobbed.

Julie's face crumpled sympathetically. "Aw, I'm sorry Lex."

Alex just sobbed. Julie rubbed his back comfortingly. 

"Alright, Lex, I gotta go to school now. You going to be okay?"

Alex nodded and waved his hand dismissively. "You go to school, Jules. I'll be fine."

Julie got up to walk out, then hesitated. "You sure? I can go get Reggie or Luke-"

"Seriously, I'll be fine."

Julie nodded, brow still creased. Then she walked out of the studio.

Alex stood up and wiped at his eyes with his arm. He climbed the stairs to the loft and rummaged around, looking for the hoodie that Willie left.

He found it and pulled it on, then started to sob again. 

(Warning: anxiety attack)

He couldn't breathe. He ruined everything with Willie, and now Willie would hate him. 

He could've said anything else, anything that wouldn't make him sound like a horrible person. 

He couldn't breathe, couldn't move. 

Arms encircled him. 

"Hotdog, I need you to breathe with me."

Alex pulled away, curling in on himself and sobbing.

"Lex, I'm so so sorry." Willie's voice broke, and he began to sob. "I didn't mean any of it, I'm so so sorry."

Alex gave a small nod, still sobbing. 

"Please, Lex, I need you to breathe with me."

Alex gave a shaky nod, and began to take deep breaths. 

When he could breathe again, he sniffled and wiped at his eyes. 

"Lex, I'm so sorry."

Alex scooted next to Willie and leaned his head on the skater's shoulder. 

"I'm the one that should be sorry. You were right, I was being too insecure. I should have trusted you."

"Lex, this wasn't your fault. I should have told you that I was hanging out with Asher, and-"


"One more thing?"

Alex sighed. "I guess."

"This isn't exactly how I imagined telling you this, like, at all. But uh. I love you, Alexander Mercer."

Alex lifted his head up and pressed a soft kiss to Willie's lips. 

"I love you too, William whatever your last name is because you refuse to tell me."

Willie giggled and hugged Alex tightly. "I'll tell you my last name another time."

~the end~

question of the day: other than jatp songs, what's your favorite song at the moment?

mine is probably remembering sunday by all time low, or my immortal by evanescence.

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now