sneaking out (part 2)-willex

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hey everyone! sorry it took me a while to get this up! i was working on it last night, but then i found out that my little brother has been exposed to covid, so we all have to self isolate and quarantine. so life's been kinda crazy for me. thank you all so much for your patience! i really hope you guys like this chapter!

(A/n: I just want to clarify that at this point, they've figured out that Caleb is possessing Nick, but Caleb doesn't know that they know.)

The plan was simple. Julie would distract Nick/Caleb, and Alex, Luke, and Reggie would go and rescue Willie. After that, they would try to find a way to free Willie from Caleb. 

Of course Alex being the anxiety-filled gay we all know and love, there was a plan for everything that could possibly go wrong. Well, almost everything. 

They were going over the plan with Willie for what seemed like the 50th time, and Alex was pacing around, rambling about everything that could go wrong. Everyone exchanged slightly annoyed glances. Every time the plan was brought up, Alex remembered something else that could go wrong. They knew he couldn't help it, but it was tiring to have to think about how badly it could go. 

"Hotdog!" Willie calls to Alex, who stopped his pacing to look up at Willie. 


"Everything is going to be ok. We just have to make sure that Caleb stays distracted. And I have no doubts that Julie will be able to keep him distracted. For now, let's go over the plan one more time. Ok?"

Alex sighs. "Yeah, ok."

Luke gave Willie a grateful look. "Alright. So Julie will text Nick, asking if they can meet up tonight to go over the math homework. Julie, make sure to make it seem like you're really struggling."

"Yes, Luke, I know. We've been over this already." Julie says, rolling her eyes. 

"Good. When Julie gets to Nick's house, she'll text Flynn, who will let us know. Sound good Flynn?"

"Yep, all good!" Flynn's voice rings out. Since Flynn couldn't be there in person, she facetimed Julie so that they could all go over the plan. 

"Cool. Once we hear from Flynn, we'll poof here, get Willie out, and get back to the studio. Everything sound good?"

"Yes, Luke. Again, WE KNOW THE PLAN." Julie sounded tired of having to repeat herself. 

"I'm just making sure! Any questions? And before you say anything Alex, I don't mean questions from you." 

Everyone was silent. 

"Alrighty. Are we ready then?"

Nervous glances were exchanged. Then Julie sucked in a deep breath.

"I think we're ready."


The plan was in action. Julie had just texted Nick, and was waiting for his response. 

*them texting*

Julie: Hey Nick, so I've been having trouble with my math homework. Would we be able to meet up at your house to go over it? I would offer to meet at my house, but my dad is at my brother's baseball game, and he doesn't want me having people over.

Nick: That sounds splendid. Would you like to come over now?

Julie: Yes, that's fine! I'll be there in a little bit. See you then. 

*not texting*

Julie shut her phone off and sighed. 

"Well, that part's over with. Now I just have to make sure he doesn't leave."

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now