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Summary: Alex and Willie go to visit the house where Alex grew up. Alex remembers about how he came out and has an anxiety attack. 

Requested by: bi_hufflepuff5 and madzoomar

⚠TW: Anxiety attack, homophobia, slurs⚠


"Hey Willie?" Alex asks, looking up at the skater.

"What's up, hotdog?"

"Um, I was wondering, I wanted to go see my parents, and uh- I was wondering if you could maybe come with me?" He nervously asks, fidgeting with his fanny pack. 

"Yeah of course I'll come with you!" Willie answers, taking Alex's hand.

Five minutes later, they stand in front of Alex's childhood home. It looks the exact same as he remembered, except for one thing. Attached to the flagpole was...

"A pride flag?" Alex whispers. "Why would my parents have a pride flag?"

"Maybe they had a change of heart?" Willie questions.

"I highly doubt that. My parents would rather have a murderer for a son than a gay kid," Alex mutters. 

"Do you wanna go inside?" Willie asks gently. 

"Yeah, sure."

They step inside the house, and all the memories come flooding back.

~FLASHBACK~  (Homophobia and slurs warning)


The words were barely a whisper, said so quietly both parents had to lean closer to make sure that they heard right. 

"Oh, sweetie, it's ok, you don't have to look so worried!" Alex's mom said, and the drummer looked up in hope. 


"It's just a phase, you'll grow out of it! There's no need to worry, this phase will be over soon." Her tone was sickly sweet, just venom disguised behind honey. 

Alex sighed in disappointment, not surprised that his parents weren't taking it seriously. 

"If it's 'just a phase', then I would like to think that it would have been over years ago. I've known I was gay for years, and you were just too blind to notice." Alex gets up and starts to leave, but his father grabs his wrist, pulling him back. 

"No son of mine will be a- a disgusting faggot! You either man up and get rid of this-gay-nonsense- or get out of my house!" He yells in Alex's face.

"Fine. I guess I'm leaving then." 


(Anxiety attack warning)

"-lex? Hey, you ok hotdog?" Willie calls, waving his hand in front of Alex's face. 

Tears forming in his eyes, Alex sinks to the floor, breathing heavily. 

"Hey, you ok?" Willie hugs the drummer tightly, rubbing his back.

Alex just shakes his head, tears streaming down his face. 

Willie pulls him closer, gently stroking his hair. 

"Hey, it's ok, you're safe here. You're safe with me," the skater whispers, repeating the words.

Alex nods, sobbing quietly into Willie's shirt. 

"Do you want to leave?" Willie asks quietly.

Alex nods again, holding onto Willie.

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now