i wanna dry those tears, kiss those lips-willex

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Summary: So um, someone in the jatp discord server that i'm in wrote a whole paragraph about how they wanted the willex kiss to go so um, i'm writing it. 

Ships: Alex/Willie

Warnings: none

Notes: title from "someone to you" by BANNERS


so um. did i compulsively write this? yes, yes i did. also, go check out the chapter i posted yesterday, it's not getting as much love (because notifications were being weird again)


"I know I already said this, but, uh, thank you, guys."

The studio is completely dark, and even though Alex can't see Julie's face, he can hear the emotion in her voice.

"You're welcome," Reggie croaks. 

Alex groans, and next to him, Luke exclaims, "Dude!"

The three ghosts watch as Julie dashes over to the light switch and flips it on, illuminating the scene before her. They're laying on the floor in a sort of triangle, with Luke's face right next to Alex's, and Reggie laying with his head near Luke's feet. 

Julie's face is filled with horror as she takes in the scene in front of her. "Wha-why are you here? I thought-"

All three ghosts cry out in pain as a jolt rocks through their bodies.

"No, no, I thought you crossed over, why didn't you cross over?!"

Alex attempts to hoist himself into a standing position, sensing Luke and Reggie doing the same. 

"I guess playing the Orpheum wasn't our unfinished business."

"Point Caleb," Reggie mutters, his voice congested.

"We wanted you to think that we crossed over, so we pretended to," Luke murmurs, tears in his eyes. "We just... we had nowhere else to go."

"We thought you'd go straight to bed."

"Yeah, well, I knew she was gonna come out here, but nobody ever listens to me-" All three boys double over in pain as another jolt hits them.

"You have to save yourselves right now! Go join Caleb's club, please, it's better than not existing at all. Please, just go, poof out, do something, please, just do it for me."

Reggie shakes his head sadly. "We're not going back there."

Luke makes his way over to Julie. "No music is worth making, Julie, if we're not making it with you. No regrets."

Julie lets out a quiet sob and lunges forward, wrapping her arms tightly around Luke's shoulders. Luke hugs back, wrapping his arms around her waist.

And... they were actually touching. Julie didn't fall through Luke, they were actually touching!

Alex and Reggie look on in amazement, tears still in their eyes. 

"I love you guys," Julie stammers, sobbing into Luke's shoulder. Right as she finishes speaking, a warm glow surrounds Luke, and Julie pulls back in confusion. "How can I feel you?"

"I-I don't know."

Julie gasps and puts her hands on either side of Luke's face, Luke doing the same and gently wiping away Julie's tears. Moving his hands to hold Julie's, Luke turns to Alex and Reggie, a small smile on his face. 

"I feel stronger."

"A-Alex, Reggie, come." 

The four hold each other tightly, the warm glow surrounding them. When they pull away, all of them have awestruck grins on their faces. 

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now