breakup (part two)-willex

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Warnings: homophobic language

Caleb marched up to the Mercer's door, all four teens following behind him. When he knocked, there was silence for a brief second before the door swung open and Alex's mom appeared, nervously clutching the gold cross around her neck.

"Caleb. To what do I owe the... pleasure." Then she noticed the teens behind him, and her eyes widened.

"Gabrielle. I hope you don't mind me intruding, but I have some business I'd like to discuss with you and your husband. Is he home?"

"Um, yes, let me-let me go get him." Mrs. Mercer turned and walked a little farther into the house. "Henry, Caleb's here and he'd like to talk to us." A muffled response could be heard, and it must have been satisfactory, because Mrs. Mercer turned and beckoned the five into the house.

The Mercer's house was cozy, the walls covered in family memorabilia. One wall was filled with school pictures, another covered in drawings from their various children.

"Caleb Covington. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Henry Mercer stood, approaching Caleb with a sneer on his face. "I see your son is still dressing like a fairy."

"You leave my son out of this, Henry," Caleb growled.

"Oh? And what are you going to do? Sing me a song?"

"Don't test me. I have my connections. I can destroy your whole career with just a few short phone calls if I so wished. Now, here's what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to talk about how you're treating your son. There is no excuse to treat your son like that. No matter who he happens to love, or what he chooses to do with his life. Now, tell me, why would you think that threatening to send your kid to conversion therapy is the correct thing to do?"

"I- uh- because being-liking men-is unnatural." Henry had shrunken backwards, fear starting to fill his eyes.

"Wrong answer. Homosexuality has been documented in over 2,000 species, homophobia has only been documented in one. If a grasshopper can get over it, so can you."

Henry was at a loss for words.

"Now, are you going to accept your son, or are you going to continue being rude and ignorant?"


"Good. And if I hear anything about you mistreating your son, I will not hesitate to ruin your life. Are we clear?"


"What was that?"

"Ye-yes s-sir."


At that moment, Alex walked downstairs, but froze when he saw what was going on.

Willie quickly jogged over and wrapped Alex in a tight hug. Alex hugged back hesitantly.

"Willie, what are you doing here?" Alex murmured, his face pressed against Willie's hair.

"We're rescuing you, hotdog."

"What did Caleb do to make my dad look so terrified?"

"Lectured him."

Alex's mom walked over and placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. Alex jumped, and Willie could see the fear in the blonde's eyes.

"Alexander, I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for not standing up for you. I want to support you, I really do, I was just worried about how your father would react."

Some of the fear in Alex's eyes dissipated, but there was still hesitation written across his face. "Really?" he whispered.

Gabrielle nods, a tear slipping down her face. "Yeah."

Alex smiles softly and reaches out, briefly hugging his mom. "Mom, this is Willie. My boyfriend."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Mercer."

"Oh, please, none of the formalities. Please call me Gabrielle."

"Gabrielle! We talked about this," Henry hissed, but quickly schooled his face after receiving a glare from Caleb. "Ok, ok, fine. But listen here, Alexander. Just because we support you doesn't mean you can flaunt your sexuality. We are a respectable family, and we will not have this burden around us."

"Try again, Henry." Gabrielle stood and walked over to her husband, looking him in the eye. "I support our son. And he doesn't need to hide who he is. You're right, the Mercer's are a respectable family. But that comes from us accepting everyone, not forcing our kids to be someone they're not."

Henry deflated, scowling. "Just no funny business in this house, Alexander."

"I know, Dad."

"Good. Now are you going to introduce me or not?"

"Oh, um, Dad, this is Willie. My boyfriend."

Henry walked over and extended his hand to Willie, who shook it. "You hurt my son, I hurt you."

"I wouldn't dream of it, sir."

~the end~

hehehehe mad caleb was so fun to write


here's part two! i won't do a question of the day since this is the second post of the day.

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now