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ok i have no idea what this is-

i just came up with this idea at like 2 in the morning, so sorry if it's a mess

this is like an alternate ending to after the Orpheum

Background information: Willie and Alex haven't seen each other since the day of the Orpheum performance. Also the band is at a performance at the beginning of this. 


Alex was gone. Caleb was gone too, but all Willie could think about was Alex. Alex was gone, and he didn't get to say a proper goodbye. 

Every single day after the Orpheum performance, Willie would visit a place that Alex would hang out at. So far, he'd visited the Orpheum, the museum, and the street where they'd first met. Today's place to visit? Julie's studio. He'd never actually been inside the studio, but he figured he should check it out anyway. 

The moment he stepped inside, he saw some of Luke's guitars, but Reggie's bass and Alex's drums were nowhere in sight. Deciding to look around more, he climbed up to the loft. A flash of pink caught his eye, and he quickly turned around, spotting Alex's pink hoodie sitting on a beanbag chair. 

Pulling the hoodie on, he was just about to sit down when a noise startled him. Peering down, he saw Alex's drums poof into the room. That couldn't be right, they were gone a second ago. 

Ten minutes later, four figures enter the studio, talking excitedly. 

"We rocked that place!" the figure on the right exclaimed. The voice was familiar, but Willie couldn't place where he knew it from. 

The figures moved into the light, and Willie had to blink several times to make sure he wasn't imagining anything. 

"Hotdog?" he whispered. 


Ever since the performance at the Orpheum, the band had been at gigs almost every day. They weren't complaining, but they wanted some time to relax. 

On this particular night, they were performing at a small café. There were so many people there, Alex was surprised that they could all fit. 

After they had finished performing and talking to fans, they decided to head home. All of them still hyped about their performance, they went into the studio. 

"We rocked that place!" Luke exclaimed, flopping down onto the couch. 

"Hotdog?" A familiar voice said quietly.

Looking up, Alex spotted Willie in the loft, wearing what looked like his pink hoodie. 

Gaze darting between the two, Luke cleared his throat awkwardly. "You two talk," he said before poofing out with Reggie. 

Julie gave Alex a small smile before walking out herself. 

Quickly poofing up to the loft, Alex noticed that the skater had silent tears running down his face. 

"Hey, don't cry," he whispered before pulling Willie into a tight hug.  

"I- I thought you crossed over," Willie mumbled, sobbing into Alex's shirt. 

"I know. But we didn't."

"How-how are you here? Even if you didn't cross over-Caleb's jolts-"

"Well, long story short, Julie hugged us, we started glowing, and the stamps disappeared. Like they just evaporated. So yeah, now we're here."

"Caleb's going to be mad..."

"He hasn't already heard?" Pulling back, Willie saw that Alex's face was scrunched up in confusion. 

"No, he's been gone since the morning after the Orpheum. I haven't heard from him since." 

Alex looked even more confused. "Huh, I would have thought that he would have said something." Expression softening, Alex pulled Willie in for another hug. 

They stayed silent for a moment.

"Hey Willie?"


"Is that my hoodie?"


hey everyone! sorry i didn't update yesterday, i was really busy with thanksgiving. 

happy late thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it!

question of the day: what's your favorite thanksgiving food? if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, what's your favorite food in general?

mine would probably be deviled eggs. my grandma makes deviled eggs every year, and i always eat so many lol. 

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now