sleepover~sunset curve

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Summary: The members of Sunset Curve have a sleepover. This takes place after Luke ran away and after Alex came out. Honestly, this is mainly Sunset Curve being chaotic.

Requested by: Alexsunsetcurve

Warnings: Slight mentions of homophobia

Relationships: Luke/Alex/Reggie/Bobby (friendship), slight Reggie/Luke (I don't usually write ruke, so enjoy it)


Luke burst through the studio doors, a big grin on his face. 

"Let's have a sleepover."

Bobby and Alex stared at Luke, disbelieving.

"That's the best idea you have?" Alex asked in utter disappointment.

"I think it's a cool idea," Reggie chimed in.

"Of course you do," Bobby muttered.

"No seriously, like think about it. We could do face masks, and gossip about boy-GIRLS, I mean girls! Or, boys, in Alex's case."

Alex smirked at Reggie's slip up. Reggie blushed a deep red, glancing in Luke's direction. 

Bobby sighed, then looked over at Alex. "They're never gonna stop bothering us about this if we don't agree."

"Oh, for sure. They're never going to let us live it down," Alex agreed.

"Might as well just get it over with."

"I guess." Alex sighed, then turned towards Reggie and Luke. "Alright, fine. Let's do this."

Reggie and Luke grinned, and grabbed a hold of their friend's hands, dragging them out of the doors.

They first bought some face masks, and when the clerk gave them a strange look, they just said it was a gift for their sisters.

They went back to the studio and relaxed.

Suddenly Reggie bolted upright. "Nail polish!!" he exclaimed.

Alex lifted his hand. "My sister gave me some when I came out. I'll go grab it."

He rummaged around in one of his bags, then held up the small bag successfully.

"Found it!"

Reggie snatched the bag, and rummaged through the small bottles. 

"Dude, just take them out so we can all see." Bobby snagged the bag from Reggie and lined up the polishes in a neat row.

"Ok, before we start with the nail polish, we should do the face masks. Yknow, so we don't get nail polish in our face masks." Alex looked pointedly at Reggie.

Reggie sighed, then took out the face masks. "Ok, who wants a sheet mask?"

Bobby raised his hand. 

Reggie nodded and tossed the packet to Bobby.

Bobby caught the packet, then raised his finger. Luke raised his eyebrow.

"As part of this 'relaxation', can you two be quiet for once?" Bobby gestured to Luke and Reggie.

Reggie stuck his tongue out, and Luke gave the guitarist the middle finger.

"LUKAS PATTERSON!! LANGUAGE!!" Reggie shrieked.

"Reginald Peters, kindly shut your wormhole," Luke retorted.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about," Bobby muttered, sighing.

"HEY, LOVEBIRDS, SHUT UP!" Alex yelled. 

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now