clocks-willex soulmate au

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Requested by: Lockwrow

Summary: Soulmate AU where you have a clock on your wrist telling you when you're going to meet your soulmate. 

Ships: Willex, minor Juke

Warnings: anxiety attack. also long (sorry)

Notes: kind of follows the main storyline (not human au). bi Julie, lesbian flynn. caleb doesn't exist in this story.


authors note: so, sorry if this is really bad, I've never written a soulmate au before 😂 

Also, I started a jatp fan account on Instagram! it's the.other.side.of.jatp , give it a follow!


Alex was eight when his soulmate died. All he remembered was a burning pain on his wrist, and the small numbers on his wrist turning black. 

When he died, and was in the dark room, he remembered a slight pain on his wrist, but he wasn't paying that much attention. He was too focused on the fact that he was dead. 

But when he got out of the dark room, and met Julie, he realized that his soulmark has reappeared. It was like nothing had changed, the clock was still counting down, and it had returned to its regular blue color. 

Right after they had played with Julie, he saw that the clock was closer than ever. He excused himself to go for a walk, hoping to find his soulmate. 

It was when he had gotten knocked onto the sidewalk when he noticed that the clock on his wrist had stopped. 

"Aw man, you dinged my board!"

"I dinged your board? Dude, you ran me over, you're lucky I didn't... wait. You-you ran me over. You're-you're a ghost?"

The boy reached up to his helmet and unbuckled it. "Mm, yeah. Ever since I learned the hard way that..." The boy took his helmet off and flipped his hair. 

And he was gorgeous. He had friendly brown eyes, and beautiful brown hair, and those cheekbones...

"Skating in traffic was bad."

Alex was staring. He knew he was staring, but he couldn't take his eyes off of this beautiful human.

"Hey, uh, sorry I smashed into you. Thought you were a lifer and I just, like, pass right through."

"Uh, a lifer?"

"Yeah, that's what we call people who are... living."

Alex nodded. Duh, what else could 'lifers' mean?

"You're new to this whole ghost thing, aren't you?" 

Alex chuckled. "Yeah, is it that obvious?"

"Totally. Hey, uh, I'm Willie." The boy extended his hand, and Alex shook it.

"Oh, uh, Alex."

Willie grinned.

"So uh, what brings you to Hollywood, man? You sightseeing? Picture with that uh, Marilyn girl?" He clicked his tongue and jerked his thumb behind him.

"Yeah, actually, I was having a minor afterlife crisis, so yknow, just clearing my head. Until you, tried to crack it open."

Willie giggled. "I did pancake you huh?"

He must have seen something in Alex's face, because he stopped laughing. "I'm sorry. So uh, minor afterlife crisis?"

"Yeah, I just... I just keep freaking out about everything, yknow? Like, shouldn't we be in heaven, or something?"

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now