christmas special :)

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ok, I'm posting this early because I can't wait for you guys to read this lol

Ships: Willie/Alex (dating) Julie/Luke (dating) Flynn/Carrie (dating)

The ghosts can be seen by people.

Oh, and also Carrie is friends with everyone now.

Sorry in advance, this is kinda sad.

Be prepared for adorable Reggie in this too 🥺

And it's long too. 

Ok I'm gonna stop talking now. Enjoy the story, and merry Christmas to those who celebrate!


Julie woke up on Christmas morning and immediately ran down to the studio. 

Reggie was asleep in a chair, as usual. Alex and Willie were on the couch, Alex asleep on Willie's chest as the skater gently stroked his hair. 

Luke was sitting in front of the Christmas tree, gazing sadly at the colorful lights. 

Willie smiled at Julie as she walked into the studio. Julie smiled back, then walked over to Luke, sitting next to him and laying her head on his shoulder. 

Luke gently held his girlfriend's hand, a silent tear slipping down his face. Julie reached up, gently wiping away the tears. 

"What's wrong?" she murmured. 

Luke sniffled, tears still in his eyes. "The last Christmas I remember was running out on my parents."

Julie squeezed his hand sympathetically.

"Im so sorry Luke. This Christmas will be better though, yeah?"

Luke grinned at his girlfriend, turning his head to gently kiss her temple.

"Any day is better when I'm with you, Jules."

Julie rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, playfully shoving him away. "You're such a dork."

"Yeah, but I'm your dork."

"Can you two get a room?" Willie whisper-shouted.

"Hey, look who's talking," Luke retorted, gesturing at Alex, who was starting to stir. 

"Morning, hotdog," Willie said, gently brushing a strand of hair out of the drummer's face.

"Time is it?" Alex mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his face.

"Time for presents!" Flynn shouted, bursting into the studio with Carrie right behind her. Their faces were pink from the cold, and Flynn was carrying a bag, presumably with more presents in it.

Alex groaned, pressing his face into Willie's chest. "It's too early for this," he muttered.

"It's never too early for Christmas presents," Flynn and Carrie recited, perfectly in sync.

"We brought hot chocolate!" Carrie said, carrying a tray of steaming mugs.

Alex bolted upright at the mention of hot chocolate. Carrie giggled, handing the drummer a mug. He eagerly sipped, getting whipped cream all over his nose. 

Julie quickly snapped a picture. Willie was doubled over in laughter. "You gotta send that to me, Julie," the skater said, still laughing. 

"Will do, William." 

Willie scowled. "Hey, don't call me that." 

"Ok, stop bickering, and let's open presents!" Flynn interrupted, handing out presents from the bag she was carrying.

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now