two dads (part two)

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Suggested by: livyxphqntoms


Summary: part two! features more chad/ryan, some reggie/nick fluff, and reggie going to paisley's dance party 😌

Ships: Alex/Willie, Reggie/Nick, Chad Danforth/Ryan Evans

Notes: same as the first part. this takes place like, directly after the first part. also we're gonna say the hsm characters were born in 1990 because it makes sense so ✌🏻this is really short sorry😭

Warnings: none (other than kindergarten insults lol)


"So, Alex, how did you and Willie meet?" Ryan asks.

Luke, Reggie, Julie, and Nick snicker, and Alex glares at them, his face reddening. 

"Well, one could say..."

"Reggie don't you dare."

"One could say that..."

"Reggie, I will personally drag you to Caleb if you finish that sentence."

"You could say that they... fell for each other." 

The table bursts into giggles, spare for Ryan and Chad, who just stare in confusion, a small smile on their faces, and Alex who just shakes his head and slumps down in his chair. 

"I ran him over with my skateboard-"

"They did this super-attractive hair flip-"

"He talked my ear off about ghost stuff-"

"And then they called me 'hotdog' because I died eating a hotdog-"

"And it was basically love at first sight."


Chad and Ryan gape at the two. 

"That's really how they met?" Chad asks, turning to Julie and Luke. 

"Yep. You should have heard Alex, he wouldn't shut up about Willie for hours."


"It's true though," Reggie points out.

"Just because it happened doesn't mean you can go and blab about it!"

"Fine, I won't say anything about how you dramatically fell on the couch and started rambling about their 'perfect hair' and 'cheekbones so sharp you were worried you might cut yourself.'"


"No no, keep going. I want to hear this story," Willie says, a smirk on their face.

"Not you too," Alex groans, cinching his hoodie around his face.


Reggie poofs to the Danforth-Evans house and lightly knocks on the door, grinning when Nick appears in the doorway. 

"Thank goodness, Paisley wouldn't shut up about you all week."

"Reggie!" Paisley squeals, running forward and wrapping her arms around Reggie's legs. "Are you here for my princess dance party?"

"Of course!"

"Yay! C'mon, everything's already set up!" Paisley grabs Reggie's hand and drags him up the stairs. The open area at the top of the stairs is already set up with a table, complete with a pink tablecloth and Beauty and the Beast tea set.

"Here." Reggie looks down to see Paisley handing him a pink dress. 

"What's this for?"

"It's a princess dance party, and you can't be at a princess dance party without a dress."

"I think that dress is too small for me."

"Oh." Paisley frowns, then her eyes light up, and she runs over to the chest pushed against the wall. She digs around for a few seconds, then prances back over to Reggie with a tiara in her hands. "Here!"

Reggie sets the tiara on his head carefully. "How do I look?"

"Perfect for the party! Now sit!"

Reggie takes a seat at the table, and waits patiently as Paisley pours water from the tea kettle into each of their cups. 

"So, you'll never guess what happened at school yesterday."

"What happened?"

"Last week, I saw Jenny using Brandon's crayons, and then yesterday I saw her using both Brandon's crayons and Alexa's crayons. At the same time."

Reggie gasps and puts his hand over his mouth. "No way!"

"I know! And then, when I asked her if Brandon knew that she was also using Alexa's crayons, she ignored me and called me..." Paisley lowers her voice. "...stupid."

"No!" Reggie says with another gasp.

"Don't tell anyone I said that," Paisley says shyly.

"You're secret is safe with me."

~the end~

ik this was so short, I'm so sorry 😭 we've had testing all week at school and i haven't really had any motivation 

question of the day: what's your favorite pre-2010 movie? it can be any movie :)

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now