favorite bands-willex

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Summary: They're talking about what bands they like and Willie starts talking about Sunset Curve without knowing that Alex is the drummer.

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In this, Julie and Flynn can see/hear Willie and Flynn can see the guys. The guys are still ghosts, they can just be seen by people that are close to Julie.


One day after band practice, Flynn asks, "So, what's everyone's favorite band/artist?"

"AC/DC and Nirvana!" Luke exclaims, fully prepared to talk about his love for them. 

"I personally like Green Day!" Reggie pipes up. 

"Oooh, hard choice, but I'd have to go with Sunset Curve. I know they only had 4 songs, but they had potential," Willie says, completely oblivious to the fact that he was in a room with three of the band members. 

Julie, Luke, Reggie, and Alex just stare at him, gaping. 

"Uh, Alex? I'm gonna guess that he doesn't know?" Luke questions, looking over at the drummer. 

"I might have forgotten to mention it-" Alex mumbles.

"I don't know what? What are you talking about?" Willie asks, looking at Alex. 

"Oh uh-" Alex stutters, at a loss for words. "I'm gonna go clear my head," he says, poofing out. 

Willie looks at the spot where Alex disappeared for half a second, before poofing out after him.

Alex poofs to the museum, pacing back and forth. 

"How am I supposed to tell him," he mutters.

"Tell me what?" Willie asks, poofing next to Alex. 

"Uh, so. Um. Luke, Reggie and I were kinda in Sunset Curve-" he says, his voice getting higher at the end. 

"Oh. Really?"


"You know you coulda told me, hotdog," Willie says, grinning. 

"Yeah, I know, I just didn't exactly know what to say, and it never came up in conversation-"

"Hey, it's ok. I understand. Now, we should probably get back. I wanna hear some unreleased Sunset Curve songs." Willie takes Alex's hand and they poof back to the studio. 

The rest of the afternoon is spent playing old Sunset Curve songs and just hanging out. Once it gets dark, Alex and Willie go outside and fall asleep under the stars. 

Sorry this was really short!! i hope you liked it :)

also for now i'm going to start posting every other day! i'm really close to failing geometry, so i'm going to spend more time working on that. if i have something ready to post, i'll probably post it, but for now i'll be updating every other day! 


question of the day: what are some of your unpopular jatp opinions?

ok don't come at me for this, but i think caleb is really underrated. like c'mon, he has epic songs, an epic fashion sense, and it takes a lot to come up with villainous plans! we gotta give him some more credit!

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now