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hey.... hey. how y'all doin?

so i've been gone for a while.... (I know it was only a few weeks, but that's a lot to me.)

i know i don't have to explain to you all, but I'm still going to. y'all are so important to me. 

(also I reached 40k reads??? y'all are literally the best 🥺)

so... i've had major writers block. like... I can hardly write a sentence. also my school is doing standardized testing, and all the virtual kids have to test in the school, and it's really draining. plus, literally all of the kids are in person, and it's so stressful because I've gone from hardly seeing anyone to suddenly being surrounded by people and noise, and it's just so overwhelming. plus with netflix taking their sweet time with jatp, it's really unmotivating to not know if it's going to get renewed. 

i'll try to have an update soon, but i can't really promise anything. (at least school is almost over, so I'll have tons of time to write!!)

I'll be occasionally checking in on my announcements, so make sure you're following me!

how have you all been? let me know! 

love you guys! 🥰

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now