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Requested by: LoveEmmy21 (I'm sorry, so sorry, super-duper crazy-stupid ✨sorry✨ that it took me so long to write this 😭)

Summary: Alex's parents are being homophobic bigots and they make him break up with Willie. 

Ships: Alex/Willie, poly Julie/Luke/Reggie (background)

Warnings: Homophobia, homophobic slurs. Mentions conversion therapy, references abuse. Also it's kind of long.

Notes: Alive AU, no ghosts. Good dad Caleb.


Alex was pacing again. 

He walked back and forth across the studio floor, anxiously fidgeting with his fanny pack. 

"Lex, babe, what's wrong?" Willie asked, gently placing his hands on Alex's shoulders. 

Alex jumped and shook his head. "It's nothing," he muttered. 

"Alex, I know something's wrong. You're wearing a hole in the floor." 

"IthinkI'mgonnatellmyparentstonight," Alex said quickly.

"Say that again, slower this time."

"I think I'm going to tell my parents tonight."

Willie raised his eyebrows. "Oh?"

Alex nodded. "Yeah."

"Do you want me to be there?"

Alex hesitated, then shook his head. "I'll be fine."

"Do you have a backup plan in case something goes wrong?"

"Uh, I have an emergency bag packed with clothes and stuff, and I have stuff here at the studio. If they kick me out, Julie said I can always stay here."

"You can always stay with us, too. You know how Caleb is, you're like his kid."

Alex smiled at his boyfriend. "Thanks."

"Are you going to tell them about... us?" Willie asked quietly. 

"I think so, yeah."

Willie finally gave Alex a small smile. "Alright. Good luck." Then, he leaned up and gently kissed Alex's cheek. 

Alex nodded, then grabbed his bag and walked out of the studio. 


"Hey, uh. Mom, Dad, can I talk to you?"

Alex's mom raised her eyebrow. "Sure, sweetie, what's up?"

"Did you get a girl pregnant?" Alex's dad asked. 

Alex shook his head rapidly. "What-I-No!"

"Then what is it you want to tell us?" 

"I-um. Ok." Alex took in a deep breath. "I uh. I'm gay. And I have an amazing boyfriend, Willie, and-"


Alex paused. "What?"

"I said, no. You're not- you're not a faggot. You aren't one of those-one of those queers." Alex's dad spat the word out like it tasted bad. "You will break up with this 'boyfriend' of yours, and if you don't listen to us, we will send you away to get this fixed."

Alex stilled. 

His dad lifted a questioning eyebrow. "Are we clear?"

Alex slowly nodded. "Yes, dad," he said quietly.

"Now go to your room. And if you try to get away, you will never be allowed in this house again."

Alex looked over to his mom. She was silent, not saying anything as she gently held the cross around her neck. 

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now