drummer boy-willex

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ok so this is just about if willie was watching their performances (all eyes on me, finally free, nothing to lose, and stand tall. i'm not including edge of great.)


Willie appeared at the small café early, quickly finding a place to hide. Even though he was a ghost, and people couldn't see him, he wanted to make sure that Alex didn't see him. He couldn't risk that.

He watched the people in silence, taking in his surroundings. A woman next to him was chattering into her phone, probably gossiping, from what he picked up. 

"-and they were roommates," the woman said, before pausing to let her friend speak. 

Turning his attention back to the stage, he heard the announcer say, "Next up, Dirty Candy."

A teenage girl, probably high school age, sauntered onto the stage. She was wearing a bubblegum pink wig, and dressed in all pink. 

"I hope y'all came to have a great time," she said, pushing a pair of shiny pink sunglasses on her face. 

The song started, and four other girls walked onto stage, also dressed in color from head to toe. One was wearing purple, one a reddish-orange, one in blue, and the last in yellow. He had to admit, their song was pretty catchy. 

Suddenly a movement on stage caught his eye. Someone else had joined them, a familiar denim jacket standing out in stark contrast to the neon shades of the others. It was Alex, who was dancing like this was planned. 

Stifling a laugh, the skater watched as Alex danced around. When the music came to an end, and Alex struck a pose, Willie realized something. 

He was in love with Alex.

Alex poofed off stage, probably getting ready to perform. The girls on stage walked off, looking like a gaggle of neon ducks following their mother. The announcer walked on, setting up a microphone and a piano. 

"Ok, it looks like we're closing the night out with one more group. Julie and the... fat ones.?" 

Ooh, that had to be embarrassing. 

A girl, presumably Julie, walked onto stage, sitting at the piano. 

"Hi... it's actually Julie and the Phantoms," she said, sounding slightly nervous. 

There was no response, so Julie just muttered, "Okay," and started playing. 

Willie had no idea when the guys were going to show up, or how they were going to show up, so he just watched and listened. He had to admit, Julie had an amazing voice. 

Suddenly Luke, Reggie, and Alex poofed onto stage, and the crowd erupted. Even Willie cheered, though it was quiet. His attention was on Alex the whole time, and it was obvious that Alex loved the drums as much as Willie loved skateboarding. 

Luke and Julie started singing together, sharing a mic. It was clear that they were into each other, and the chemistry was evident. He saw Reggie and Alex share a knowing look. They finished the song, and the crowd gasped when the guys disappeared. Julie chuckled nervously, and with that, Willie poofed out. 

~Time skip~

Willie peered into the studio, listening to Alex, Luke, and Reggie talk about the song they were going to perform tonight. From what Willie had gathered, they were performing at Julie's house tonight. 

Pulling his helmet on, Willie took one last look into the studio. There was just one problem. In his haste to put his helmet on, he'd accidentally bumped his skateboard, which proceeded to crash into the studio door. 

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now