circus act-willex

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Requested by: lopez_brothers_1313


Summary: Willie is a trapeze artist at Caleb's circus, one day he meets Alex and the rest of the band. 

Ships: Alex/Willie, Julie/Luke, Luke/Reggie (you're welcome ruke stans), Flynn/Carrie

Warnings: None

Notes: Circus AU, no ghosts. Also soulmate AU (you get a circle on your wrist that shows your soulmates favorite color). Caleb isn't actually that bad in this. Sunset Curve is 18 in this.


«authors note: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, omg 😭 school is really taking up a ton of my time, and I haven't really been super motivated.»


William Covington really hated his job sometimes. He was expected to perform without his shirt, and he hated how many adoring stares he got from the girls (and sometimes the occasional guy.) Every single day consisted of waking up before the sun had even touched the horizon, and he practiced until the sunrise was tinting the sky a pale pink. Then, he performed for hours on end, with only a brief break for lunch. 

He liked performing though. Flying through the air gave him a sense of freedom, a sense of calmness. 

The thing that really annoyed him was the stares that lingered for a second too long, flirtatious giggles that seemed to always surround him, and the way he got treated like a specimen to be poked and prodded. 

And, yknow, he was gay. So the girls staring really made him uncomfortable. 

But, sometimes his job had it's really good days too, like the day he met Alexander Mercer, the drummer that would flip his life upside down (which was saying something, since Willie was a trapeze artist.)

He'd gotten his soulmark when he was 3. It was a pink circle, with a pair of drumsticks crossed at the center. When he performed, he always wrapped cloth around it to hide it from the audience. He wasn't ashamed of it, necessarily, but his soulmark felt private, and he didn't want the entire audience to know about it.

Hiding his soulmark probably wasn't the best idea, considering the fact that Willie basically couldn't leave the circus until he found his soulmate. Still, he just didn't like showing off his soulmark. 


Alex Mercer's soulmark had been there from the day he was born. It was a forest green circle, with a small circle in the middle. He had no idea what the circle meant, so often spent hours researching what it could mean. His bandmates told him to be patient and not worry about it, but he just couldn't stop thinking about what that circle meant. 

His bandmates had found their soulmates already. Luke even had two soulmarks, one on each wrist. Luke had later found out that his soulmates were Julie and Reggie, and Alex supported his bandmates wholeheartedly, even if it meant being the fourth wheel on their dates.

But Alex had never found his soulmate. 


"Julie, why do we 'need to go to the circus'?" Alex asks, disbelieving. 

"Several reasons. First of all, Flynn and Carrie are going, so triple date. Second of all, don't you wanna do some carnival games, get cotton candy, and eat cheap hotdogs?"

"Sounds fun to me, I'm in!" Reggie chimes in. 

"Yeah, Lex, c'mon, have some fun for once in your life," Luke agrees. 

i would have still followed you-julie and the phantoms one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now