movie night-part 2

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Summary: The band+Flynn+Willie watch Descendants 2. 

Same as last time, they can be seen by Flynn, and they can eat and drink. 

Again, it's been too long since I've seen Descendants 2, so I'll probably get the order of some scenes wrong. 


When Julie entered the studio carrying 2 shopping bags full of candy, everyone took one look at the candy and groaned. 

"Jules, we didn't even finish the candy from the last movie night, why'd you buy more?" Luke asked. 

"We were out of Sour Patch Kids," Julie said simply. 

"We were out of Sour Patch Kids," Alex repeated incredulously. "We were out of Sour Patch Kids, and you go and buy out the entire candy section of Kroger?"


The studio door opened, and Ray came in with a bowl of popcorn. He went to hand the bowl to Julie, but paused when he saw the bags of candy in her hands. 

"Mija, why do you have more candy? We still have bags of candy sitting in the cabinet." 

"We were out of Sour Patch Kids," Julie repeated to her father. 

"I don't think you needed to buy two more bags of candy because we were out of Sour Patch Kids, but whatever. But next time, no buying candy until the candy you bought last time is done," Ray said sternly, setting the bowl on the table. 

"Alright, papi," Julie mumbled.

"Thanks, mija. Alright, I gotta go watch your brother's game. Have fun with your movie!" 

Julie sighed, then turned back to the TV. "Everyone ready to get the movie started?"

"Wait, what movie are we watching?" Willie asked, putting an arm around Alex. 

"Descendants 2," Julie answered without taking her focus off the screen. 

"Ooh, a classic. What song is your favorite?"

"What's My Name for sure," Flynn answered, biting into a Twizzler. 

"Hmm, I'd have to go with Space Between, but I love them all," Julie responded, opening a bag of Skittles. 

"You're only saying Space Between because it reminds you of Flying Solo," Flynn told Julie, who shook her head. 

"No, I'm saying Space Between because it's a very underrated song," Julie shot back.

Alex, Luke, and Reggie looked between the three of them, dumbfounded.

"You'll understand once you see the movie," Willie explained. 

"Hey you two! Stop flirting-I mean-bickering- and start the movie already!" Alex called.

"We weren't flirting, we were debating, and rightfully so. What's My Name is better than Space Between, that's just facts," Flynn muttered, crossing her arms. 

"Ok, but we have no idea what you're talking about, so start the movie," Reggie interrupted.

Julie pressed play, and she and Flynn were immediately screaming the song at the top of their lungs. 

Both Alex and Reggie looked shocked.

"Wait, are they evil again? They aren't evil right?" Alex said in a panicked voice. 

"They-they can't possibly be evil...right?" Reggie stage-whispered, his voice shaking. 

"Shush and just watch," Julie said in response. 

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