Chapter Seven ~ Blinded By Love

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Chapter Seven ~ Blinded By Love

Luhan: you can say whatever you want, you can say that it was all a joke because the moment I confessed to you, your expression became more calm. Is it because you just didn't want to hurt me anymore? Please.. you're really going to give me all this crap? Didn't you say that maybe you didn't want to leave with him? Are you crazy? What type of question is that? You have had a crush on him since you were little! Now you know I like you, so you want to stay by me because you think I make you feel important, because now I'm considering you as my friend. Don't play with me.. I've told you I considered you as my friend from the start. okay or maybe is it that you're feeling bad for me? I don't need you to pity on me..

Me: Why are you getting mad at me?! Is everything I said to you not true? You don't believe me when I said I hesitated to leave?

Luhan: I don't believe you at all. Everything is a lie in your world, as long as it's something that I want to hear, you'd say it. Say something deep from your heart please. Don't try to please me!

Me: I have been saying every word from my heart! I agree I did want to leave with Mike, I did so bad. I agree I love him. But I also agree that I fell for you also. Why else would I hesitate? Go ahead call me a liar but why would I spend all this time arguing with you, hoping you change your mind about me. I care about every detail you think of me! I care because I fell for you. You're not the only one who's getting hurt, okay? It's hard to accept the fact that I like two guys. I'm hurt because I can't get over Mike! It's not that I don't want to be with you, but do you understand that I can't tell my heart when to stop liking Mike! He came into my life so easily and he could leave so fast like that, I'm just left with memories of us. I can't get over it! You forcing me to be with you is outrageous! If I could forget about Mike within a second and date you, I wouldn't be a human! How can I possibly get over him like that?! Don't use the fact that you love me to make yourself look so innocent.

Luhan: If it's so hard for you, I'll make it easy for you. Go, go ahead, leave with Mike!

Me: You are out of your mind! You are one sick person, don't appear in my sight ever again.. I don't want to see you. Maybe you think I'm selfish to leave you hanging with feelings for me but maybe you don't know that now I have to do everything I can to forget every detail about you and al lthe feelings I have for you too. You think everything is so simple for me, try being me.

In anger, I furiously walked off. I went to my next class. I thought about the words I've shouted at Luhan again and again in my mind. Was I a bit to harsh? I thought again.. maybe I shouldn't have told Luhan that Mike was my crush. What went through my mind? Did I want to show off Mike to Luhan? Sigh.. Luhan's words repeatively rewind in my head. I messed up. I really messed up! How could I let Mike take down my guard like that. Mike wouldn't have let me be with him anyways.. Him and I together was all an illusion that fooled me. Mike just somehow appears and brings back all the memories I had. Why? Am I bad luck? I thought I was all that be in this position of loving two guys and I used it against Luhan but I bet about half the people in this world have the same problem as me. I'll have to say sorry to him..

~Luhan's Point of View~
I was wrong as the guy.. jealousy overcame me and now I don't even have the courage to go talk to her anymore. I'd be so emarrassed, I don't know how to say sorry. I've never been in love, I didn't understand her feelings towards Mike. I just yelled at her thinking she should be sorry for me because if she left, I'd be there hanging loving her. I never thought about her. I got so mad the very moment she said she wanted to leave with Mike.. after that I had no control and yelled at her continuously. Am I a man? Or am I a wolf? I had no rights to tell her to stay or leave. i had no rights what so ever because I'm only considered the guy who she met for half a day. She doesn't believe in love at first sight so to her, I'll be the guy who she doesn't know that well, to her I'll be the guy she says she likes but won't date because we don't know each other that well. Time doesn't matter, it's just there, but the way you feel towards the other person is the thing that matters. I wonder what she is thinking right now, she's probably thinking that I am a total jerk.. no matter how much i think of it, I have to find her and say sorry even if she said to never appear in her sight ever again. I should try to understand her more. After third period, it was lunch. I went looking for (YourName) from third floor all the way to the basement. I've finally found her there sitting at the table alone. She seemed so hurt.. man how should I go up to her? I took a few steps closer to her, stopped and turned back. But if I don't do this now, I won't be able to tell her.. I turned back, took a few steps and saw Nancy walk up to her with her group of friends. I quickly ran by to (YourName)'s side before Nancy could put a hand hers on (YourName).

Luhan: Hey.. watch it.

Nancy: why are you always here?!

Luhan: got a problem?

Nancy: no.. i just think you should be in the more popular group than to be with this loser..

Luhan: So i don't want to be in the popular group, i want to be with her, i want to stay by her side and protect her, got a problem?

Nancy: why would you do that?

Luhan: cause I love her?

Nancy: woahh you just met her today?

Luhan: yea never heard of love at first sight?

Nancy: there's a bunch of other girls out there, why her?

Luhan: because she'es my type unlike you

(YourName): oooh you probably have nothing to say now huh Nancy? So leave us alone! ... and you Luhan come with me.

(YourName) drags me with her as she quickly walks out to the hall.

(YourName): why did you just do that?!

Luhan: Okay.. i wanted to come and say sorry but Nancy was bullying you and I couldn't stand it!

(YourName): and you told her you loved me?! Don't you know the whole school will hear that rumor.. then they'll bully you also!

Luhan: I rather be bullied with you than to see only you being bullied. Share the pain, it'll hurt less. And I'm not going to use it against you, about the thing we argued over at first. I know I was wrong, I had no right to yell at you, i should have realized how it felt to be stuck with two guys. I didn't try to understand you and so I just yelled at you. I only thought of you and I together, never cared about the others, so I got really mad when you mentioned leaving with Mike. You can call it blinded by love but I hope i won't hurt you anymore because I really don't want to hurt you. I did once at first and I promise that I can't ever again. If I do, i hope i lose my life

(YourName): don't say that!

Luhan: I mean it..

(YourName): You're not the only one who needs to say sorry because i thought I was so high positioned because i had a more difficult problem than you but i realized there's billions of people out there with the same problem as me. They don't try to use that fact against others like I did.. so I was wrong.

Luhan: it was more of my fault, i didn't try to understand you or Mike. The type of person you two are, I really don't know. I pretend I do, but I do know you. Is it too early to say I love you?

(YourName): I accept your apology, it's likely you would yell at me at first like that because you were jealous of Mike. So no it's not early to say I love you.

...To Be Continued~~~

I hope you like this chapter <3 Leave comments? Vote for this chapter? Hehe thanks! Have a wonderful day! One question.. what does blinded by love mean to you? To me.. it's where you're to paying too much attention to the love between you and the other person that you don't realize the outside world and what's going around you. I've read some of other people's thoughts.. it's a bit different to what i think it is. They say it's when you love someone you don't notice their flaws, you just see them as perfect. I somewhat agree but it's not the first thought that i think when I read blinded by love

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