Chapter Eleven ~ Playing With Fire

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Chapter Eleven ~ Playing With Fire

Teacher: you came back with no notebook? Why did you need to go to the locker then?

Me: sorry I think I left it at home

Teacher: come prepared next time! Even if this is just the beginning of school, have a notebook prepared for notes! Now borrow binder paper from someone.. You've wasted enough class time. Stay after school and come back to my classroom so we can talk. Now class...

His words started to just go through one ear and exit out the other. I stared at him as he looked at the class. His mouth was moving so fast, I couldn't catch up. This is just outrageous! Staying after school? Noo.. I was going to find time to talk to Luhan!

~After School~

Teacher: are you trying to waste class time? You go to your locker and come back with nothing? The class waited for you to come back..

Me: I'm sorry..

Teacher: explain yourself..

Me: I..

Luhan: excuse me, I would like if you let (YourName) go because, it's only been the beginning of the school year.. Give her a chance please.. (YourName) come with me.

Luhan gripped my wrists really tight and pulled me out of the classroom. I tried pulling and loosening his grip, but it was no use.

Me: let go of me!

Luhan: what's with your attitude?

Me: don't mind me.. I just want to be by myself today! So leave me alone

Luhan: no. Tell me why you had to stay after school? Why did the teacher yell at you?

Me: it's none of your business!

Luhan: how is it not?

Me: just leave me alone!

I angrily walked away from him the second his grip loosened. I didn't look back, I went straight. Although I didn't even know where I was going, I just kept walking. As I entered the school library, thoughts came to me. Perfect! If the only way I can get Luhan to forget about what Nancy said to him earlier, is to get Luhan's full attention on me, then I must read books to figure out a solution to get Luhans attention. Luhan, you've fallen for Nancy's trap, and I'm going to, for once, save you, and bring you back out of that trap. Wait for me. I went down aisles of books and found myself carrying a stack of books in the end of searching. I took a seat and went sraight into reading... all the information just somehow went through my head. I slowly closed the last book I had as I smirked with evilness in my eyes. I've got it. The most perfect solution ever thought of. Not only will it get Luhan to be on my side, i will have the powers in me to stop people from bullying me. This is the solution to make my life much better and free from bullies. This is what I've been waiting for, to finally live in a normal life! I can taste the sweet success of this plan! I close my eyes and let out years of sigh and laugh like a witch.

Librarian: keep it down..

Me: ohh my bad, sorry!

I spoke to myself, "It's 7:30pm.. I've stayed at this library for hours now. I must get home!"

I received a text from Luhan just now. It says, "Hey.. i know you're still at school somewhere. It's getting pretty late. I don't want you to be alone at this dark hour because you might get bullied or.... I'm waiting at the front of the school for you, okay? I'll get you home." Oh I forgot! It's been hours! Did Luhan wait for me this whole time? I grabbed my bag and ran out the library quietly. The library was at the third floor.. I went down flights and flights of stairs. I looked down at each step I took, realizing my shoes are getting untied. i try to slow down my speed, but eventually I still stepped on my shoe laces and tripped down halfway of the last flight of stairs. I closed my eyes. I knew I was going to be badly injured. Strangely, i felt no pain. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that Luhan had saved me. I got up sluggishly and realized I was on top of Luhan. I widened my eyes to see that Luhan was in pain. I quickly got up off of him and tried to get him to say something.

Luhan: be careful next time.

I tried to lift Luhan up but he pulled me to him and hugged me as we laid there on the floor.

Luhan: let's just stay like this, okay?

Suddenly, the evil and hatred in my heart just disappears. I feel like.. I really do grow weak with Luhan. As much as I want to know why he was with Nancy earlier in the day, i didn't dare to ask. I didn't want to ruin this moment, i didn't want to make him upset, and i didn't want to ruin us.

Luhan: You haven't ate dinner yet, right? I'll treat you to dinner before i get you back home.

Me: sure

Luhan: awesome, um there's something I need to tell you..

Me: sure what is it?

Luhan: it's about you and ...Mike.

My mind lights up with fire and madness as I heard the word Mike, because I knew he was hinting about Nancy too. I, (YourName), swear on this day, will take revenge one day. I will not let Nancy continue to bully me, over such a stupid reason too.. because I "stole" her guys.. well she stole my life that's suppose to be filled with happy memories and not about being bullied everyday.. I wish I could just tell Luhan that I've overheard his conversation with Nancy at first because I do not want to hear it again! I will burst into fires soon! I took in a deep breathe and let out a sigh to calm myself down.

Me: Honestly, Luhan.. I don't want to know

Luhan: I know you're trying to forget him, but avoiding it isn't going to help you. I'm always here for you, you know that.

Me: actually, I'm not avoiding it. Sometimes, people prefer privacy. I'm sure Mike wouldn't want to tell me, so as a friend, you shouldn't tell me either. I have every right to know but it's not my choice. Luhan I'm fine, I.. I'm doing much better because of the fact that you're there for me. It's much easier with you here because i have someone to share the pain with, you don't mind that right?

Luhan: You're right. My girl is becoming smarter. I'm proud of you.

Me: Because you were honest to me, I'll be honest with you. I'm not your girl yet because you still have to ask me out!

I said it playfully and smiled as I laughed. I want to see his expression but I also want to stay in this warm hug even if it's on the ice, cold floor. Luhan's arms slowly leave my side and I feel chills down my back as the warmth of Luhan leaves me. Luhan gets up and offers a hand to me. I place my hands in his. He smiled and pulls me up with so much force, that our lips met each others. I wanted to pull back but Luhan held a strong grip on me. Luhan looked down at my lips and back into my eyes. I could hear my own heart beat now and my heavy breathing. Luhan slowly closes his eyes and kisses me. He pulls back from the kiss and looks into my eyes very seriously.

Luhan: (YourName), will you go out with me?

I blushed and looked down at my feet as I played with my fingers. Luhan took my hands into his and I looked up at him in the eye. I slowly leaned in as I closed my eyes. I kissed him as my answer to his question.

Luhan: now can I call you my girl?

I nod and smile as he takes my hand in his. We walk out the school together as I swing our hands back and forth. It'll be cool if Luhan knew how to drive.. we're too young to drive anyways. First year of high school and driving? Never heard of it. Maybe in a few years, he'll drive and maybe he can drive me around. But in a few years will Luhan still be by my side? Will my plan of revenge really work out or will it cause Luhan to be upset with me? But I'm taking the risk, even if it'll end up only a day with Luhan, I'll be happy because it's not just one regular day with him but a day where he cares for me much more, a day where I'm not bullied, a day where I'm not made fun of, a day where I'll be the only person in Luhan's mind. I'm looking forward to this one day.

...To Be Continued~~~

I am super duper sorry for not uploading in so long :( I hope you like this chapter! Please leave comments? Or vote for this? It'll be appreciated, really! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Since it's Lunar New Years today, I hope you all eat lots and spend this precious time with your friends and family! Or maybe you're reading this weeks from now or even years, so it wouldn't be appropriate to say Happy Lunar New Years but anyways, have a great day!

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