Chapter Fourteen ~ Revenge

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Chapter Fourteen ~ Revenge

~Nancy's Point of View~
Escaping Into Fantasy? What the hell.. hahah I'm laughing so hard honestly.. what the hell type of illness it that?! Hahaha! Oh it's too funny! My stomach is in so much pain. Hahaha.. wheew.. my eyes are filled with tears of joy! I can't believe she can pull such a prank where everyone would believe her! Ohh yea she totally has Escaping Into Fantasy, okay because she's fantasizing that she'll have friends and people to care for her. This is just wonderful! I won't lose to you (YourName), not this time. You've done for enough, taking Mike, taking Luhan. This is going to end now. I will find all evidence to show the world you're such a liar! I will find evidence to prove to Luhan that you're lying to him. I'll prove it that you never truly loved Luhan! I will prove it so that everyone can see how selfish you are! You already had Luhan by your side, who loves you, but yet you lie to him about some illness to get his attention. You make me sick. Honestly you do need help (YourName). I am a hundred percent confident that you're lying even if everyone turns their backs on me. Everyone will come back to me, everyone will trust me again after I tell them the truth. Therefore, I'll be a little miss nice for a few days or even months for you. I'll let you enjoy yourself with friends for once, I'll let you enjoy yourself with Luhan, but I won't stop picking on you. If you want to go around lying to get what you want, I'll do the same. I give (YourName) a long glare and angrily walked out. What would get on her nerves the most? Hah i got it, all my friends hate the smell of raw fish, if I can get some fish near her or get a fish smelling perfume, that would be great. That, I can ask my cousin to create for me because she works at a workshop with perfumes. Now, I must make fun of her in front of the whole school.. we'll see who would care for her anyways. I'll throw a bunch of eggs at her.. yes! She'll smell like eggs, every guy would leave her side. I know how to get into the school kitchen without getting caught and there, I'll get a dozen of eggs. I smiled to myself. I sneaked into the kitchen; looked out to see for any teachers, students, security gaurds, or the chefs. I ran straight to the refrigerator and opened it. The eggs were shining as if it were stars, in front of my eyes. My eyes lit up and I had my evil smile. I was proud, in fact, I was very proud of myself. I grabbed the box of eggs and placed it slowly in my bag where it wouldn't be seen. I searched for napkins to give the eggs comfort, to keep it from getting him by anything hard that would cause it to crack. I walked out the kitchen successfully and to my next class.

~ During Lunch Time ~
I took a seat near (YourName) and when the chance came that she was all alone, by herself on the table, I opened my backpack and pulled out a raw egg. Everyone else was in line getting their food as (YourName) was sitting there all alone. I quickly threw an egg at her face and laughed. I got another egg and walked up to her. I cracked the egg right on top of her head. She gave me no feedback so i went back to my table and started to throw more eggs at her. I laughed harder and harder each time! She looks retarded! My bad.. did I laugh to loud? Everyone in the cafeteria was looking at me. Their eyes were like owls in the middle of the night.. It was creepy. Breaking the silence, Luhan came over to me and pushed me on the floor. The rest of the eggs in my bag smashed, my bag was filled with raw eggs. Luhan pulled me by my hair and shoved my head in my bag. Ew this is just disgusting! The smell of raw egg with my lunch! The smell jsut makes me want to throw up! I could just feel vomit in my throat! I closed my eyes and pushed Luhan off. I quickly ran to the bathroom as everyone laughed at me.

~Luhan's Point of View~
Well that was so rude of Nancy.. how can she possibly do this to (YourName) still? Is she jealous of (YourName) still? Hmm that makes sense, of course, she lost all her friends. Although I understand how Nancy feels, i don't feel sorry for at all because she brought all this to herself. She never knows when to stop.. she just wants her popularity back and I'm sure she thinks that bullying would help her look more "cool" She is all wrong. 

~ Nancy's Point of View~
This is outrageous! Why didn't I think of the outcome.. i always done things like this to her, but i never got treated back like this.. I almost just wanted to burst into tears just now.. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. One against the school? I need to bring up my game.. Luhan cares so much more about (YourName) now, it's so unfair..don't I deserve people pitying on me? After all, I only want love and friendship just like her.. it's no difference but how can she be treated differently? How can people love her more than they ever loved me.. I walked out of the bathroom and noticed that my bag and books were all missing! Ahh my phone!!! And my wallet! Everything! It's... missing! I looked around and saw no one in the cafeteria. Someone tapped me on my shoulders and i turned around to see Luhan and (YourName)..

Nancy: you two are crazy! Taking all my personal belongings and my lunch is outrageous! Do you want me to starve to death!?

Luhan: Don't blame us.. it was your "friends" who's done it. We disagreed but they wanted revenge.. i couldn't stop a whole group of people.. but (YourName) here, is nice enough to ask for all your belongings. Here.. she kept it safe for you, nothing is missing, I promise. Now hurry and eat your lunch before class starts..

I pulled my bag from her and searched for my phone and my wallet like a hungry bear. The moment I saw that everything was there, I was relieved as if i ate a really satisfying meal that I've been waiting since forever. I gave them a stare and a disgusted look.. She's just trying to show her "cute" and "caring" side of her.. don't pretend to even care for me.. honestly I won't let that get to me, I won't change my mind about you (YourName)! Don't think acting all nice for me once will get me to not hate you, I'll get my revenge! I know Luhan still cares for me just even a little or else he wouldn't worry about me being able to eat lunch or get to class on time. I know he cares and this will be my motivation to never give up. I'll prove it, just wait, I'll prove it that you all are mistreating me! Don't think that doing something wrong to me will cause me to give up on getting my revenge. I'll prove that I never "made" you get that stupid, non sense illness fantasy thing..

Luhan: oh I almost forgot, the principal wants to talk to you, after your next class, meet the principal in his office. He has a lot to talk to you about. Especially bullying and taking raw eggs from the school kitchen. Next time, be more careful..

Principal? Eggs? But.. how?! How does anyone know that i was the one who stole them?! How could they just blame it on me because i had eggs.. i could have brought them from my own house! This is unfair! Everyone is picking on me! Unless... cameras! The cameras! Oh how stupid can i ever be! No matter how sneaky I am with going to the kitchen and taking eggs from the refrigerator, i will always be seen because there are cameras all over the school! i can't believe I've let that fact slip away as I planned my revenge.. How come.. that when she got bullied on the first and second day of school, I never got in trouble for it.. everyone knows I'm the one giving out orders.. but why.. this time? Is the eggs really that important?! Ugh..

...To Be Continued~~~

Thank you so much for reading! it means a lot to me really, although i say that every time after every chapter, i really mean it! I mean it more than ever! Thank you, thank you! Have a wonderful day(: Comments and votes are appeciated! Thank you!

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