Chapter Twenty Eight ~ What Is Love?

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Chapter Twenty Eight ~ What Is Love?

I looked away and continued to drive. I was so embarrassed I didn't even know where I was driving to until Lay snapped at me. "Focus on the road!" Lay commanded. His glare at me turned into an innocent pair of eyes as he turned back to (YourName). I realize how important she is to him but I've never seen him like this. He's always been nice and caring. We've never had a fight ever until he mentioned (YourName) to me. Is this what love does to us? I hope it won't do furthermore damage to our relationship Lay. I hope you'll really be happy with (YourName).. she's a girl you can't find anywhere else in this world, please take care of her for me. Slowly, you'll be the one she loves.

~ Few Days Later. A week has passed and it's a Monday, the second Monday of the year~
Lay just dropped (YourName) off to her locker and left somewhere. I stayed far away from her, but close enough to keep an eye on her. Being able to see her is enough. I really miss her smiles but seeing them today really makes me feel a whole lot better. I hope she doesn't cry at night or do anything silly when no ones around. I hope she's happy without me. I guess she's a lot more popular now because she's with Lay. If only I could have done that for her, that would be nice. I'm just not good enough for her. I smile to myself, feeling stupid of how I use to think that she was perfect for me. She's too perfect for me. I can forgive her mistakes, her lie, but I can't forgive that she's not the right one for me. I want her to be the one for me. I close my locker and walk closer to her. Around the corner of my eyes, I see a group of people heading straight towards (YourName). I turn my head fully to see who it was. Brandon. Nancy's brother and all his group of friends. I had a sense that (YourName) was not safe. I ran to her before Brandon and his friends even had their hands on her.
"Move playboy! Fooling with girl's heart and leaving them hurt. Get out, you're in the way!" Brandon shouted at me as he grabbed my collar.
"I may be a playboy but I won't let you hurt her. You're upset because of last week, right? Because she lied and hurt your sister? Even she forgave us. Can't you learn to forgive too?" Luhan replied with ease.
"Shut the hell up! You know what you've came for, get her!" Brandon commanded his friends. I punched Brandon hard on the jaws.
"You won't lay a hand on her! If you dare, fight me first!" I shouted with no fear.

Brandon's friends came at me one at a time but I know I didn't learn karate for no reason when I was younger. I begged my mother and father to give me lessons. I gave them the reason that I can protect myself but the real reason was so I can protect my girl when I have one. I never wanted to kick people or punch anyone innocent, I felt a guilt but I also felt nice. I felt this warm feeling I use to have. I know this feeling, it's because I'm protecting (YourName), I'm making sure she's not hurt. I'm doing such a great job on keeping her untouched. I'm so proud of myself. One kick after the other, I only thought of (YourName)'s safety. Eventually they all decided to run. It's about time to not mess with me or the one I love. I turn to (YourName) just to make sure she didn't get hurt. I hesitated as I took her hands in mine.
"Are you hurt anywhere?" I asked. I slowly looked up to meet her eyes. She gave me a blank stare but a warm smile. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her but she's not my girl anymore, I have to keep my hands to myself. I look down but suprisingly, she hugs me. It was so sudden, my eyes widened, but I hugged her back anyways. I miss her being in my arms and I miss her embrace. I close my eyes to really enjoy this moment with her.
"Ahh!" I shouted as I felt a sharp blade enter my body from the back. Then heard a gun shot. The last image I saw was (YourName) with tears in her eyes, showing that she was worried. I quickly collapsed to the floor.

~My Point of View~
My hands were shaking after the gun shot. I couldn't stay still or calm. I couldn't support Luhan and keep him standing. My eyes bursted into tears. I grabbed Luhan and hugged him tight as I cried. "Luhan!! Luhan!" I shouted as I cried.
"Yah.. promise me you won't cry anymore when I'm not with you. You have Lay now right? I'm happy that you can smile again." He whispered as his lips turned pale
"Yah! Why are you saying stuff like this still?! Luhan! Please stay with me! I won't let anything happen to you!" I screamed as my heart went crazy.
"If you didn't tell that lie, we could have still been together.. even if it was just for another day or two. I would have been happy to just hold you for one more day. It would be nice to have one more day to explain to you my true feelings for you. Sooner or later, Lay would have told me to back off because I was getting too close with you. I know I got close to you originally was to help him, but during this process, I really fell for you. I'm sorry I lied to you." Luhan confessed.
"Is this what you do for friendship? You forget about yourself and you place everyone before yourself? What about you? You even gave up love for Lay. Is that fair? What about you?! You pabo(dummy in a playful way)! Pabo..." I cried as I hit him. My hits got softer as my voice lowered. I shouted at the top of my lungs, "Luhan!" Then with pain in my chest from crying, I whispered in my cry, "You pabo..."
"Someone call the doctor!!" I cried. "Get the ambulance! Hurry! There's no time! I have to save him! Please! Someone call the ambulance here! Someone get the police here and arrest the ones who has done this to Luhannie! My manly deer.. Luhan!" I shouted.

~Author's Comment: Hehe okay, is it just me that literally had 'Overdose' playing in their head as they read "Someone call the doctor!" ?

~Lay's Point of View~
I had flowers and a cute, warm teddy bear in my hands, ready to give them to my beloved (YourName). I smelled the flowers as I closed my eyes. Ah such a sweet scent. I had a beautiful feeling inside of me. Butterflies flew in my stomach, leaving me in a good mood. I smiled. Imagine the smile that (YourName) will give me when I hand her these flowers and the teddy bear. Imagine the sweet voice of hers saying, "Thank you." I laughed to myself, how silly am I to daydream about her already? I had headphones plugged in and I walked with the beat in me. I was so happy, the imagine of her in my mind left me smiling like a freak. I looked up with a bright smile that quickly went away and into a jaw drop. I plugged off the headphones in my ears and my eyes widened, I was about to run and hug (YourName) as I saw her crying but I saw Luhan there. I saw her crying her eyes out because of Luhan. I heard her shouting "Luhan! Luhan!" non stop. She cried for help, she screamed to the world, hoping someone would call the ambulance for her. Her arms wrapped around Luhan. Her tears falling down because of Luhan. She took off her jacket to keep Luhan warm, to make sure he was still with her. She cried and cried, because Luhan was on the floor, shot and stabbed. My hyung(Older brother) ..if I respected you and gave up (YourName) to you, I wouldn't be regretting and hurting so much. My heart aches. Hyung(older brother).. mianhae(sorry). I dropped the flowers and teddy bears and came to sense. I ran to Hyung with full speed, tears were already forming. Hyung! Please stay with me! Mianhae(sorry)! Please wake up to give me a proper chance to let me say sorry! Luhan! Please wake up! I won't fight with you anymore, I won't compete with you anymore! Can we go back to before? When we helped each other with smiles on our face? Hyung.. Tears came rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't help it.

...To Be Continued~~~

Ah! Let me just cry for a moment! It was soo depressing for me to write the part where Luhannie got shot and stabbed! I couldn't even! I didn't want to explain in details~ it'll make me depressed ! Ahh~ I just~ Mianhae! I'm so sorry.. I could have done better with that part.. Anyways I really hope you like the story! Thank you so so much for reading ! Comments are appreciated(: Have a beautiful day! Wah it's already April hmm.. gues what that means?! Hehe that means it's almost Luhannie's birthday!!

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