Chapter Twenty One ~ One Lie

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Chapter Twenty One ~ One Lie

Other than the librarian, I was alone at the library. It was afternoon as I started to walk down the aisles of books. I carried a stack of books with me and placed them down on the table. I started with the book on the top and went through the books quickly. I'm not so good in memorizing information like this for class but somehow I'm good at remembering everything when it's not for school. I read the books as fast as tigers chasing and running for their food. I had about four hours to finish a stack of books. Page after page, the smirk on my face becomes more noticeable. Eventually I laughed like I was some evil witch in a television show. The librarian kept me quiet even if no one was there. I checked the time and that's when I received a text from Luhan.
~ End of Flashback ~

The reason why I went to the library was for ideas of revenge. All the books I had mainly related to science, and that's where I got all the information of Escaping Into Fantasy illness. There was one story where there was a girl named Isabelle who lied to her crush that his girlfriend cheated on him. She did this because she wanted the guy for herself. She got the guy to think that his girlfriend was really cheating on him so in the end the guy started to date Isabelle. That was when ideas struck me, I thought that if I could get Luhan's attention, Luhan wouldn't fall for Nancy's tricks and stay by my side. But then, I forgot that the story I read was not real, it was just a written story. I forgot that I was in reality and not in a fairy tale. I forgot that Luhan is already mine. No.. It's actually was mine.. Because after what I've just said to everyone, he's going to hate me! He's going to yell at me for lying to him.

Author's Note: it was chapter 11 when (YourName) went to the library.

My greed for friends and popularity overcame me. Even having luhan wasn't enough, I must be a wild hungry beast. For me to make up the illness wasn't enough, I even faked a letter from my parents, complaining to the principal that Nancy was bullying me too much that it affected my learning in school.

Author's note: About the letter, it was mentioned in chapter 17

It was at midnight when I couldn't sleep. I rolled and rolled in bed. I've tried listened to all types of music, I've tried drinking a warm cup of milk, but nothing helped. Eventually my hands held a pen and a paper was in front of me. I started writing "Dear Principal," and that's when I had the idea to fake a letter to make it more realistic that I had the Escaping Into Fantasy illness. My mind was so focus and I felt so smart as if I just solved the hardest math problem in the world. Then again, I smirked and was actually proud of myself. Thinking back, I must have been some creature that doesn't belong in this world. I was truly tired of always being bullied, I really couldn't resist myself from that plan I thought of. It was just a simple lie that done the trick but I didn't think this lie would affect my life in this way, where all the ones I love would slowly leave me, and all my friends would no longer be my friends. I guess I played with fire, I risked my life on this. Fifty percent chance that people will find out that I lied and fifty percent chance that I'll live a dream I always dreamed of after the lie. I don't even have an explanation to tell Luhan. I obviously don't have an excuse to tell him but I truly love him. Maybe everything else could have been a lie but my feelings were true. But that doesn't even matter anymore, Luhan won't trust me anymore.

~Luhan's Point of View~
For a second, my mind couldn't process the words that (YourName) shouted at the top of the building. For a second, i thought I was hearing the wrong words because it was too windy. I don't know how to feel, my heart feels as if it's been hurt and used but I pity her, that she only lied was for love and friendship. Am I suppose to be upset? I've worried for her every second of my life when I found out she had that illness. I've done research in class secretly when I was suppose to take notes. I tried to be her body guard and stay by her side. I worried so much for her because I really thought she had this illness. If my love wasn't enough for her, that she has to make this lie to make me be there for her, then I'm really upset that she's using me. Did she ever love me before? Even for just a split second? Or was it an act, like the way she can fool everyone in the school by claiming she has this illness.. She even fooled the principle. Is it that easy for her to lie to people? Is her love for me also a lie? When we kiss, was that from the heart? Or was it just another random kiss that meant nothing? I spent literally every second of my life worrying for her and now I find out it was fake. Maybe we can still be friends, but I don't think I can stay in a relationship with her. I don't even know if her love for me is real, and I won't risk it the way she does. I'll stay friends with her. I can't believe she's this type of person, I always thought she was an angel, who done no wrong, who even cared for her enemies. I guess everything I thought about her was wrong.

~ Nancy's Point of View ~
It was one lie to fool me. One lie to fool everyone in the school. Just one lie that made me feel bad and regret. One lie that made me go say sorry. One lie that made me think of suiciding. It was only one lie that caused this much. I can't believe I fell for it too. One crappy lie. Maybe I've let Brandon down. To him, I was like a role model even if I was younger. He always believed in me and supported what I believed in but it was this one time, he argued with me. He didn't believe that (YourName) had that illness and I should have believed in and just continued to bully her the way I usually do. But maybe.. the bullying should stop. I will hate her, I will dislike her, I will respect her, but I will not forgive her or be friends with her. Maybe I should thank her to make me realize that I shouldn't be bullying anyone. I've realized what's it like to be bullied. From this incident, I've become more mature, and I do have to thank (YourName) for that. It maybe a little crazy to say thank you to someone who almost made me kill myself but that's only because I'm mature now. I'll see how Luhan would react to this. I bet (YourName) would lose everything, even Luhan. It's enough that she'll loose all her friends and Luhan, so I should be mature enough to not wish her hell. Although there is probably so much anger within me right now, but I've learned to manage my feelings.

~My Point of View~
Everyone stayed quiet, so quiet that you could hear birds chirping from far away. This news is probably shocking to everyone. It wouldn't be normal if people didn't hate me, especially Nancy. I've told one lie to get everyone in the school to hate her and some even bullied her. She lost her popularity and she's fought with her brother once. I'm ready for hell. Everyone would probably want to carry me and throw me off the building like a trash. Something so useless. There's many people who would want revenge because there were many of them who confessed their inner feelings for me when I announced the illness. Hui An was one of them.

Author's Note: Hui An said her inner feelings in chapter thirteen.

I honestly don't think I deserve her nice words, I honestly don't deserve all her kind friendship. I didn't even regret a bit when she was telling her wishes for me to get better. I just felt a ton of joy that someone was caring for me and telling me that they worry for me. For the sake of love, being cared for, and friends, I don't even know what type of beast I've become on the inside.

...To Be Continued~~~

Mianhae(sorry) I didn't post in 6 days! Wah that's been a while! It's been a busy week! ~ I hope everyone enjoys reading my story! Thank you for your support! Have a wonderful day!(: 

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