Chapter Twenty Seven ~ Promise

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Chapter Twenty Seven ~ Promise

Her eyes filled with regret. I took in a deep breathe as I blinked away the tears in my eyes. How much I miss her beautiful smile that makes me melt like chocolate in a hot atmosphere. I can't help to smile back at her. My hands slowly approach hers, but before I took her hands in mine, I suddenly had a flashback.

I ended the call with Nancy after telling her to help get (YourName) back home safely. At this same time, Lay came into my room. He looked furious. He pulled me by the collar and angrily said, "You said you'll help. Why are you calling Nancy to go pick her up?! You should have called me, it would be the most perfect chance for me to get close with her. Why did I tell you to get close with her in the first place? To help me. All that you've been through with her for the past four or five days, have you forgotten? You're like my brother and I trusted you. You know I'm a shy person, that's why you agreed to help me get her. When I heard that you two started dating, did you know how much that hurt me? For a second I thought you were going against me but I trusted you to let it go, thinking it was part of the process of helping me. You making her happy is fine, but why are you making her cry in pain like this? Leaving her drunk and not even telling me to go help her? Or at least have the guts to be a man and go carry her home!... I can't believe we're fighting over a girl.. but seriously, she's mine. Luhan, get your mind straight. If you really fell for her, just tell me. I'll understand. We'll talk it out. You could have told me ahead of times, I wouldn't feel so betrayed right now. You know the type of person I am, if you really love her that much, I can't beat your love for her." His anger toned down as he slowly let go of my collar.
        "We're not fighting. We're brothers and best friends. I'm here to help you. I promise to you that I don't have any feelings for her. At least not yet. I'm sorry I didn't tell you ahead of times about my plans. Trust me, you love her a lot more than me." I replied with hesitation.

~End of Flashback~

Author's Note: This flashback occurred after the Luhan called Nancy which was after the FIRST time (YourName) called Luhan.

"(YourName).." I whispered as I somewhat looked away from her eyes. After a long pause, I continued, "Stop drinking so much, this is the second time you're drinking tonight. You've called me two times tonight. Why are you drinking so much? Please get your contacts right, stop calling me when you're trying to talk to Nancy. I don't need to hear so much.."
        "Yah! So that's what's so weird! I called you instead of Nancy.. No wonder I heard a guy's voice.. Yah! Do you know what privacy is?! If it's not for you, please don't ever listen!" She shouted at me as she stood up trying to hit me. I grabbed her wrist before she could hit me.
        "Yah! Get it right, it's your fault for calling me first.. you kept ranting! I didn't want to make you upset and interrupt you. I didn't want to end the call either because I know you'll be upset and you'd try to call me again! I thought of you okay, it's better to get things off your chest. Don't keep everything to yourself and hurt yourself okay?" I replied as my grip on her softened. "Anyways, I didn't come here to fight with you. I came her to make sure you're safe and to forgive you. I want to tell you that I've tried to hide, I've tried to escape from thoughts of you. I wanted to stay away but every time, I missed you more. How is it possible that I can't hate you after how much you've hurt me? Do you think I love you enough? Or maybe it's that I'm finally coming to understand your side of the story. I mean it would be normal for someone to get revenge after years of being bullied. Maybe I was in too much shock because I saw you as an angel, the lie you told ruined the whole image, I couldn't stand it that you weren't that angel I saw. Somehow seeing you hurt like this fixes the image but it's covered in tape."
        "What are you trying to say? Covered in tape?" She questioned. I was afraid she would be hurt but this is what has to happen.
        "I'm sorry, I think we have to move on. The image is fixed but it can't go back the way it use to be, just like us, we can't go back to the time we were happy together. That doesn't exist anymore, once it's broken, it's broken. Yes I've forgiven you but it's not the best for us to get back together." I hesitated as I thought of Lay in mind. I wanted to slap myself to say that but I can't do nothing when I promised Lay something. I keep my words. Letting her go would probably be better, she'll have a new beginning with Lay and that'll cancel the marriage between Mike. She'll be happy when that marriage is canceled. I would feel much more relieved because she'll be with someone whom I trust. I hugged her tight, this could be my last hug. I hesitated but I eventually kissed the top of her head and whispered, "I'm sorry. You can blame me or blame time but I have a sense that we're not meant to be."
        "If we never gave each another chance, how would we know that?" She immediately questioned.
        "Because we already had one chance and it failed.. there's no more time to waste. I promise you, you'll meet another guy whose better for you. He'll treat you a lot better than I do. You'll be much happier with him. Just agree with me here okay? I just want the better for you. It'll be better for both of us. After this, I realized that I'm not ready to date yet. We're only in our first year of high school, remember that. You still have a lot of time. Come on, let's get you out of here. You're too young to drink!" I replied. I grabbed her wrist, placed money on the counter and left.
        I felt a sudden breeze from behind, I looked behind me and saw no one but I felt someone's grasp on my shoulders. I looked to the side and saw Lay. My eyes widened, why is he here?
        "Yah! Hyung(Older brother)! Let me help you out, you must be tired tonight already. Just go get your car started." He said all of a sudden. He winks at me. I can't say no.. he'll get upset with me. I walked slowly to my car and looked back once in a while. The way Lay hugs her in his arms, I'm jealous. The way she smiles when he talks to her. Maybe he's telling her a joke or something, but I really miss that smile. If I didn't push her away from her and friend zone her, then maybe I could make her smile like that. Do I really love her though? Or am I too caught up into this acting thing? I can't to seem to understand my heart anymore. I thought I loved her but I'm unclear of that feeling now. I place my hands on my heart, it's beating as fast as a cheetah chasing after their food. Is this what you call jealousy? Or is it called love?
        I drive my car to pick them up. They sit in the back and I guess you can call it "flirting" I can't really say anything to Lay because I'm doing everything to help him. But for (YourName), how can she just flirt with any guy? She never even met him! But I guess I can't yell at her like that either because she fell for me when she barely knew me. So much already happened in the first week of school. I guess you can say this year will be dramatic and painful. There'll be a lot of sacrifices within this year.
        "Layy is the name! Ah so cool! Hmm let me give you a nickname! What about... unicorn?!" (YourName) said as she got louder. They were now loud enough for me to hear their conversation that I wish I couldn't.
        "Yah! (YourName)! Do you just go around and give people nicknames?! Do you have any meaning to it when you call people with these nicknames of yours?!" I blurted on accident. I didn't mean to say it out loud.. but I guess I couldn't maintain myself. The both of them looked at me and got quiet. Aish! Luhan.. why did you say that?! Especially when you know Lay is there!

Author's Note: This chapter is all in Luhan's Point of View~

...To Be Continued~~~

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