Chapter Seventeen ~ Protection of Love

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Chapter Seventeen ~ Protection of Love

We were left alone. Two thoughts were in my mind. The thought of hearing a confession from Luhan and the thought of our teacher.. His cold stare gave me chills down my back! I literally wanted to close my eyes and not even imagine him as my teacher.. I really suck at running okay.. And if he's the type of person to scream and yell, well.. I'm not going to make it by the end of the year. It's whatever.. Luhan is by my side.. For however long.. I have no idea. This whole day I've been thinking about what would happen if I lost Luhan.. I've been thinking about how long will I get to stay by his side.

Luhan: hey do you think we should get going? I mean we can just sit on the side and watch others play.

Me: whoever touches the gym doors gets to hear a confession from the other person?

Luhan: what was that? I couldn't really hear it but I'll agree to whatever you said

I said it soft enough that Luhan couldn't hear me. I smiled as Luhan carried me off the bed slowly. My head wasn't hurting as much as earlier but it still ached. I could feel the throbbing, there must be a really big lump there now. Now, I leaned my head on Luhan's shoulders as we walked together towards the gym. I smiled the whole way there because I know that we both will reach to the gym first but whoever touches the doors of the gym will get to hear a confession from the other person! Luhan agreed. As we got there I placed my hands on the door before Luhan tried to open the door for me. Luhan gave me a crazy and confused look.

Me: I touched the door first, so now you have to tell me one confession!

Luhan: what?! When did I agree? Ohh.. That's what you said.. You got me off guard!

A guy came from behind and pushed me to the floor and Luhan against the wall. My arms scraped the concrete floor really hard that it's bleeding more than it ever had. I tried not to cry, I tried to hold in the pain but it stings a lot and it really disgusts me

???: this is school not a place where you make love okay.. Stop blocking the doors to play such a stupid, silly game. Man you two are just like first graders.. Get a life would you!

Luhan grabbed the guy by his shirt. Luhan gave him a cold mean stare but the guy spit at Luhan's face. Ew that's disgusting! I wiped my face as if he spitted at me. Luhan wiped the spit away with his free hand and held the guy by his shirt with a stronger grip.

??? : I hate people like you.. If you're not scared, fight me! You think you can be the hero the day? Not today. I'm the hero today, for my sister, Nancy. Yea you might all hate her because she's a bully, but you're much worst than her. Think of who you're trying to save. A girl who lies and fakes things. Someone who doesn't deserve your love, your care, your protection. Open your eyes!

Teacher came out with force from another door.

Teacher: what the hell is going on? Luhan! Let go of him.. And Brandon.. Come with me.

Luhan dropped Brandon to the floor and picked me up from the floor. He carried me to the wellness center again. He washed my wounds with water and soap gently then placed a bandage over it. He kissed my arms and stared into my eyes.

Luhan: I'll protect you always. Don't listen to that Brandon, I'll love you always. I trust you because you're my girl.

~Brandon's Point of View~
Clearly, Luhan was the one injuring me.. Why would the teacher call on me? Is this even fair? Just because (YourName) has that Escaping into Fantasy illness or whatever crap.. Nancy told me it was a lie, Nancy said she was going to prove everyone wrong about it. I support her all the way! Sea my younger sister and I'm not turning down on her as her older brother whom she looks up to. Since when did Nancy ever doubt me? Never, so I shouldn't doubt her either. Although Nancy may be a pain in the butt sometimes, she's not always wrong. If she finds something really unfair she's not giving up. She's my only sister I have. To be honest, Nancy is not my real sister.. I lost my parents in a car accident when I was only four. I was saved and brought to the hospital. I was lying there on the bed, I stared at Nancy because she had parents while mine died.. I was thinking, I had no more hands to hold onto when I'm scared. I had no one to carry me when I was tired. But then I saw Nancy's parents who looked at me with a sad look. I wanted to cry as much as they did. They walked closer to me and held my hands, that's when I was able to have the energy to let out a smile. Nancy's parents asked the doctor about me and decided to take me as their son. Nancy was only three years old that time. I'm a year older than her. I'm thankful to her parents and to her that's why I will never do anything to make her life miserable. Physically hurting Luhan and (YourName) would only get Nancy and I in trouble. I'm such a terrible brother but I really don't know how I could help, I'm just standing here seeing her get bullied and picked on all by her old friends. It hurts a lot. It's like someone uses really sharp scissors and cutting your heart apart like a piece of paper.

Teacher: Brandon.. I think you need a break from school.. Or at least a ten minute cool down before you return to my class okay? Also, the principal called to tell you that you have to have a talk with him after school. Go with your sister, together. She has to talk with the principal also.

I'm really pissed off because I think it's so unfair that the principal and all the teachers goes easy on Luhan and (YourName).. Just because (YourName) has an illness and Luhan is considered her bodyguard, they don't get in trouble? Luhan grabbed my by my collar and almost choked me.. He tried to physically hurt me, how come he's not called to the principals office? This school is jacked up. Totally messed up. My responsibility is to take care of Nancy, and I'm not letting her get into trouble this time. I've messed up once and twice isn't gonna come. I've messed one once when I told her to just cheat for test instead of studying so she can watch a movie with me. She got caught cheating the next day and she got blamed for, not only did I lie and tell our parents that i didn't convince her to cheat, I also made her get yelled at. She didn't just get a big zero on her test but she got yelled at by our parents real bad, she got spanked so many times.. It was scary. I won't make these little mistakes anymore. As a brother, I'm taking the blame for everything this time.

~ After School ~
I walked with Nancy to the principals office, I was filled with anger. I'm not walking out of that room till I get Luhan in trouble for trying to hurt me at first..

Principal: before you two say anything for yourselves, have you thought before you've caused trouble? Nancy.. How can you steal school property and use them to bully others? Especially (YourName). Do you know her parents are very concerned? They've sent me a letter about their concerns, I can't sit here and do nothing about your behavior and as for you Brandon, you're the older one here, how can you go injuring others like that? You're really influencing your sister to become a worst person that she already is.. (YourName)'s parents plan to transfer her to another country for school, if students have to leave this school, I'd rather have you two leave than her. I received a letter from them on the second day of school, which was yesterday. They told me (YourName) was even scared to come to school. Scared.. she's no longer a child anymore, yet shes scared because of your behaviors. If you were her, would you feel any safety? Now that you're being hated by the whole school Nancy, how does it feel? Pretty bad? It isn't even enough for what you've done to (YourName). You bullied her for YEARS. You've been hated on for one day now, imagine this day repeating for another couple years, it would be hell right? That's the life (YourName) is living because of YOU.

I gave Nancy a look and she returned a confused look to me. I had anger in my eyes and turned away from her. I looked into the pair of eyes I never dared to look at, the principal's eyes.

Brandon: I take all the blame. I convinced Nancy to bully people. Since I'm the older one, I taught her and she followed along. Don't make her feel guilty, it was my fault.

...To Be Continued ~~~

Thank you for reading <3 means so much to me! Sorry if there are any mistakes ~ have a wonderful day (:

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