Chapter Nine ~ This Is Love

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Chapter Nine ~ This Is Love

MeiHan: Luhan! Oh it's (YourName)! Ah Luhannie I'm sorry, I must have just interrupted you two..

MeiHan winks at me and gives me kissy face. I blush and hide my face. I shake my head continuously, thinking out MeiHan caught us almost kissing.. One day of knowing Luhan, there's already magnets pulling us together. Will people misunderstand? I agree.. that now I've found out my own feelings and who I belong to. Luhan.

Me: Luhan..

~Luhan's Point of View~
The way she called my name brought rainbows into my sky. So hard to not fall for her, the way she looks at me, the way she tapped me, I always, always fall in love with her again and again. Im loving her deeper and deeper as time passes. Her voice so heart warming and tender, that even on a windy afternoon, I'm warm.

(YourName): Luhan.. I found out the answer.

Luhan: answer?

Answer? What answer? I never asked her anything. I was so confused, I looked at her in the eye with my head titled, wondering what she was saying.

(YourName): I want to be with you, I've realized that you're more important than Mike. I realized how much more I love you than Mike. Love is so mysterious, don't you think? I don't even have a perfect reason to tell you why you're the one. My heart just keeps telling me you're the one. So you're the one. I can't lie that my feelings toward you is different from any friendship.

She chose me over Mike? She must love me a lot to choose me over someone she's known for so long. Or is it because she knows she has no chance with Mike? No.. Why am I thinking that? She loves me.. I know it and that's all I need to know. I smile at her and wrapped my arms around her for a hug.

< Tomorrow. Second Day of School >
I carried all of (YourName)'s books and walked her to class as we held hands. Everyone looked at us with disgusted looks. Nancy came around the corner and stood in front of us, blocking the road.

Luhan: excuse you, people are trying to get through..

Nancy: ew Luhan.. Why are you holding trash? Ah you were trying to go to the trash can, but I blocked you. I'm sorry, here let me help you throw that away for you.

Nancy laid a hand on mine and I pushed her off with one hand. I put my arms around (YourName)

Luhan: she's mine, not yours.

Nancy: ew she can't be mine or else I'd have trash with me!

Luhan: you disgust me.. She's mine, so don't think she's yours. You have no right to treat her like this. You have no right to call her names because she's not yours. Only I, as her boyfriend can give her names. I call her beautiful and she's mine, I'll treat her like a princess.

Nancy: ah along the way, please take care of her face, since you're going to treat her like a princess, give her some make up, her face bothers me, really I can't pay attention in class with her face like that. Thanks for taking out the trash

Nancy walks through us and pushes (YourName) and I to the floor. I carried (YourName) up from the floor.

Luhan: Nancy! If you're just jealous, say so, because I can find you a guy as handsome as me.

~My Point of View~
Luhan and I had burst into laughter as Nancy ran off. I felt amazing to be protected by Luhan from Nancy. I personally think that Nancy has a crush on Luhan. Otherwise she won't be hating just on me and calling me trash. She thinks that the girl next to Luhan is her, that's why she refers to me as trash. She must be weak against Luhan just like how she just ran off right now. I laugh at how silly she can be, over my Luhan, she thinks she's always better than everyone else..

Luhan: does she always run off like that when Mike protected you before?

Me: always, why?

~Luhan's Point of View~
As I expected, Nancy is jealous of (YourName) because she wanted to be with Mike before. Is this what people call love? Being jealous over another person and bullying them, trying to steal their boyfriend because she loves him? Is Nancy jealous of (YourName)? That maybe if she had friends, she'd be more popular than her? That maybe Nancy just wants love and she wants to be with the person so loves? Maybe she wants attention? Maybe she's self centered. She would do anything to get attention? She's already popular enough, why pick on (YourName)? Does she hold a grudge on her? Maybe something happened back then. I'll ask Nancy myself because I don't want to provoke her about Nancy. She'll think I'm caring about Nancy too much and she'll be mad. Finally trying to understand her a bit more and being able to make her happy, I can't let her down. Especially the fact that she chose me over Mike, i can't do something that will cause her to regret it.

Luhan: I was just curious about Nancy, why does she bully you?

Me: Ah right, I've told you a lot about Mike but I haven't told you about Nancy. She's pretty cool actually, the first day I met her, she was my first friend and I was her first friend. Then ever since I started to meet Mike, I wasn't sure why she got mad at me a lot and she started hating me. I thought maybe it was because she started hanging out with those gangster people. She started ditching class and during lunch she was always bullying people and eventually I was her main target. It just happened, does she hate my personality? I mean if she doesn't want to be friends with me, I get it.. but she is basically ruining my life.. She was only sweet and nice on the first two weeks of school. I never owed her anything, why am I her target? Whenever I ask her about why she bullies me, she tells me because I'm too easy to bully and it's too much fun. She says I deserve this and how I should stay a loner instead of ruining other people's lives. I never hurted anyone, who's life did I ruin? I just ignored her reason and started to believe that she became like this was because of the people she started to hang out with. She just bullied me, the only reason how I could endure all of the pain was because of Mike. He would always give me courage and stand up for me. To me, I felt like the more I had protection, the more Nancy got mad because her target is to get me injured really bad but I didn't really because Mike was there for me.

Luhan: So all your life, you just lived with Mike there for you?

Me: is that an insult or a question out of curiosity?

Luhan: Curiosity.

Me: He was my only friend and he promised me that he'll always be there for me. I was always crying and wanting to suicide but he always reminded me that he'll be there for me. He thought it was too much of Nancy so he made that promise of always being there for me when he can.

Luhan: I'm sorry to ask such a personal question, are you okay with talking about it?

Me: Actually, I want to tell you. I want you to understand her, Mike, and I. I don't know why she's always bullying me, and maybe you could figure it out? I'm really curious because that's the only way I could go up to her and have an actual question to ask her. If it's out of jealousy, i would ask her if she's bullying me out of jealousy. I would have a more direct question to ask.

Luhan: ohh.. I'll do my best to figure it out, if there's more information you need to tell me, give me a call or text me.

Me: Where are you going?

Luhan: class, remember?

Me: right.. heh forgot, I lost track of time as I'm with you.

Luhan: That's why I'll always be there for you.

I hug Luhan really tight and kiss him on the cheeks. We walk to class together hand in hand and I blush as people look at us. I feel a sense that they really like Luhan as a crush so I'm really lucky for him to pick me <3

...To Be Continued~~~

Thank you for waiting for this chapter and also sorry for waiting! I hope you like this chapter <3 Thank you for reading(: Please leave comments? It would be appreciated! Have a wonderful day(:

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