Chapter Six ~ Confession

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Chapter Six ~ Confession

Me: Forget it... forget it. I want to stay with Mike.

Luhan: okay.. you know what? If you keep on thinking you won't get over your crush any time soon, so be it. I'm a bit tired of your attitude .

Me: My attitude? What attitude have I given you?!

Luhan: Forget it, if you're going to leave, let me tell you one thing before you leave, okay? I've done my best for you, just remember that. You probably won't ever get over your crush, or i mean Mike.. so I'm not going to wait for you forever anymore. There's plenty of girls who'd suit me well. Out of this school, I chose you. I chose to help you, and somehow fell for you. With my looks, my talent, I can be the most popular guy in this school but no, I turned my backs on the people who are considered popular to keep you safe. Your safety, your life was more important than my popularity. I want you to know how much I respected you and done for you. Today is a pretty rough day, isn't it? It's been just about half the day.. and I've fallen for you, half the day, we bumped into each other multiple times. In just half the day, so much can happen between you and me. Probably chemistry happened too for me to fall for you. Since you insist on leaving, since you insist on following him and leave my life. I want you to know how you'd affect my life when you leave. You say it'll be better because you won't be bullied, yes I agree, but have you forgotten about me already? When you said I was your hero, do you mean it or did you just say it to make people feel better about themselves around you? You say he's your hero, yea you got lots of heroes alright. Do you ever mean it when you tell someone they are your hero? Where's your heart when you said it? Anyways, I heard lts of rumors about you from just walking by people, I'm sure you've heard it all too. To them you're a junk, you're a crazy girl, loser, weak, stupid, but did you know to me, you were the most down to earth girl I ever met, an amazing, sweet and innocent girl. Honestly, I don't think I can find a girl like you anywhere in my life. Look around, everyone is influenced by society but then there's you who came walking into my life. Every second with you, I had love for you. Each second and from the very start, my heart would beat every time you were there. If you don't believe in love at first, it's fine, but let me tell that I do. There was a lot more between us than you think, even if it was half the day. It's a pretty short time but a pretty long journey hasn't it? I've gotten to understand and realize how it's like to be bullied here and there. I understand how it might feel when you could be free from bullies. I understand, I understand all of it being with you. Did you even know that I paid this much attention to you? Yea it's crazy and unrealistic for me to say I love you but I really have feelings for you. The time you got mad at me for not telling you everything about why I'd save you, why I would I be so nice to you.. the reason was that I liked you from the beginning. I didn't want to tell you because you might get mad at me, I didn't want to tell you because you might leave my side and you'd leave me worrying about you. I didn't tell you because I didn't want it to be awkward between us. I guess there's nothing left for us to say, there's nothing left I can give you. Maybe your Mr. Michael is your true hero. I can't fight for that spot in your heart because he's probably anchored down at the bottom of your heart.

~Luhan's Point of View~
I didn't think the time with her was going to fly by this fast. There was so much I planned actually. I thought maybe one day when we got more friendly, I'd watch movies with her or even go down the beach with her. I was thinking maybe that once I become more popular with people, I'd introduce her to them so she can have more friends and be more popular. That way less people would bully her. I was also planning to start my own club with her if she was interested in dancing and singing with me. Maybe not. Maybe all the thinking, of being with her, was all a dream that I thought would come true. I'll forget about all this now since she's just going to leave anyways. She'll go her separate ways and I'll go to my own way.

Luhan: let's just go at our own separate ways, you have yours, I have mine.

(YourName): Luhan.. I..

Luhan: From this day on, I don't know you, you don't know me. I'm done with what I have to say and I know you'd yell at me so save your breathe and live on with Mike.. your dream. You know I actually thought I could be with you in a relationship the moment we had our conversation but I guess I was wrong, I was really wrong and stupid. Blame me, hate me, whatever you can to forget me. Forgetting me isn't so hard, but for me to forget you is pretty hard. I really wish that I could get into a car crash to forget everything about you and all the memories we had in just half a day. Maybe I could start fresh from there or will the scar be left behind? Yea you had flaws, i didn't mind them at all, none of them, actually i thought they were cute. But now I know what's one thing I could hate about you, you wouldn't even care about my feelings and say you'd leave, you said it was none of my business, but clearly you don't see that you're a big part of my life, if you left my life, it wouldn't be whole, so therefore it is my business. But now it doesn't matter, your mind is set, and I won't be able to change that. I don't need a reply from you, I don't want to remember your voice because I'm slowly trying to erase you from my heart and from my mind even if it's impossible. Just leave.

(YourName): Luhan let me explain! Don't you dare try cutting me off again.

Luhan: and if I want to cut you off? Haven't I told you to just leave? That's what you want, and that's all you need to do, it's that simple, I don't need any explaining, I don't need to hear you say thank you, I don't need you to say you're great, I don't need you to say I'll keep in touch, no, I don't need you to say anything, nothing at all. Keep your mouth shut and leave, please.

(YourName): You don't even know what I want to explain, and if I wanted to explain that I wanted to stay? Did I say for sure I was leaving? Did I make up my mind yet? Did I say I did? Yea I asked Mike.. but do you know I also feel hesitant about it? I'm only hesitating because of you, other than that, there wouldn't be a reason why I'd hold back.

Luhan: don't give me these excuses. You? Hesitated? If you did, you wouldn't ask to leave with Mike out of desperation.

(YourName): Desperation? So you're just telling me your jealous of Mike, because I can be close with him, because I want to be with him, because I trust him more and rely on him more?

Luhan: pretty much! If you paid a little attention to what I've said at first. Have you not catched the words when I said I loved you? You probably haven't even listened to a thing I've said, did you?

(YourName): I did!

Luhan: Then why would you ask such a stupid question.. just forget it, Mike is in a rush, if you're leaving, leave now..

(YourName): you're crazy!

Luhan: yea mind saying it one more time? If I'm so crazy, why are you still here in front of me? I'm crazy you said, yea I'm crazy.. because of you. Crazy in love with you. Crazy because I could fall in love with you within half the day. Yea crazy, you said it right. I'm crazy, now would you stay with someone so crazy like me?

(YourName): and if I said yes? And if I said I wouldn't mind to stay by someone like you? I sure wanted to be by Mike's side again but maybe what if I didn't mean I would really leave with him? Yes, I love Mike but maybe he might not want to be with me.

....To Be Continued~~~

Please let me know how I'm doing on the story? Comments + votes are appreciated!(: Have a good day<3

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