Chapter Thirty Eight ~ The End

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Chapter Thirty Eight ~ The End

Note: NOT LAST CHAPTER lol I know the chapter title is The End but yea, enjoy reading~

"I know Luhan can stand it when I was with Lay, I know it's probably because I didn't make him jealous at all, but just one little for me, just a few minutes of me seeing Luhan hand in hand with another girl, it hurts me so much, it makes me want to die. It's so silly for me to say this when I sent links for you to watch this, but I don't want any of you to pity me again because even if it's the truth, I want to be forgotten so the pain will come with me. Maybe you might think I'm fake and everything I say is fake. I know what I've done in the past to make you think like that about me, so I'm not forcing you to believe in me right now. It's your choice but I just want to say thank you to everyone. And I also want to say this to you, Luhan. Maybe you are or are not watching this, but I love you, I do, for everything. ..." I continued. I must be saying a speech, but I have so much to say to Luhan, I'm so sorry and my words won't ever express my feelings for him. Will he ever understand that I really am sorry? Maybe he won't..

~Mike's Point of View~

I knew it was wrong for Nancy to accept Luhan's favor. I knew Nancy shouldn't have helped Luhan. I know (YourName) too well, it's too risky because I know she'll have second thoughts on living. Now it's true, she wants to die. Who's going to stop her? Luhan won't because he still thinks she's playing a game. I agree there are people like that, but (YourName) is not one of those people. She takes suicide just as serious as anyone else. When she really thinks of suiciding, she's really thinking there's no answer that could help her, there's nothing that could be done anymore, but for her to die. She's blaming herself for everything, I just hate to say it but she's so silly.. I agree she's messed up once or twice, but not everything is her fault, she did her best. No one will ever understand (YourName) better than I do. No matter how long you're with her, you still won't understand because you've never been with her since childhood. Childhood is the base of her life. I should have stepped up to Luhan to tell him to stop pretending and hurting (YourName). Usually people learn from experiences, but sometimes it's too much for someone, they can't handle it. And it's not their fault for being unable to take in the pain, because some are just born stronger than others. (YourName) has been like a sister to me and recently she's done the nicest thing ever, get Nancy and I together. I can't be anymore thankful to her. I love you like my own sister. I continued to hear what (YourName) has to say. I think she's so brave to express her feelings. I think she's so open to know how others feel.

"Luhan, I know you don't want to hear what I have to say, but it'll be my last time getting to say this. I'll say it. Okay, Luhan I love you so much. I love you and I love you. I've realized what it was to do anything and everything for someone. For you, I did all I can to keep you to myself. Maybe I'm insecure, who knows or I'm just completely crazy. But anyways, you were with me through rainstorms and sunny days. You were the reason why I could go through life without any scars. Maybe for you, you gained scars on your heart, but I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It's so selfish of me too.. Luhan, right now I know you hate me, but it's fine because I love you. Without you, I would never mean anything. I'd be like a dust that just gets blown away by the wind. With you, there was a meaning to life. Maybe you think I'm a player because you think I'd say these words to anyone whom I've been with before. I can say I love you to a million guys to make you jealous but to you, I'd say it with my truest feelings, I'll say it from the heart." (YourName) expresses her feelings.

~Nancy's Point of View~

My heart ached the same way as it did when everyone at the school bullied me. My heart ripped into pieces the same way it did in elementary school when Mike liked (YourName) more than me. My fist clenched together. I was angry at myself. Why did I listen to Luhan. Why did I believe that he knew what was best for (YourName). Why did I choose to believe him? Was it because I thought I was helping (YourName)? How could I believe that Luhan really cares for her and loves her? Luhan only wants revenge and make her suffer the same pain he has. He's no different from a devil. I thought he was better, I thought he was willing to help her, but it was only out of revenge. He made it sound like her cared for her. My heart feels like I've been stabbed with a knife by my best friend. I've failed to help you (YourName), after you've done so much for me. I failed to help you when I was the one who caused all this trouble and drama to your life anyways. You don't deserve to die, it's me who needs to because without me, you would have never think of lying. You would never have thought to do wrong to others, you'd be that perfect angel everyone loves. I was jealous and because of my jealousy, I've ruined your childhood and eventually the rest of your life. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry!

I added a comment into the group chat, saying, "(YourName)! Please don't, listen, if it wasn't for my existence, you would have never lied, then you would be happy with Luhan still. I'm sorry I ruined everything. If you think you need to die, then shouldn't I die first? Please hear me out, don't give up yet, there's still hope. It was the same for me when I wanted to suicide, I thought I had no more hope but you were my hope."

I hope she reads it, I really do! I feel so sorry and ashamed to show my face in public. One day I might appear on the newspaper under the topic criminal.

"Nancy.. forget it. It's none of your fault, I've spent almost all of my breathe to explain to everyone that you should forget me and all the painful memories I've caused to everyone. Just stop thinking about it. Live happily with Mike? Or is it Luhan? Whoever it is, I lost to you anyways. You won both in the end. Anyways, Luhan, there's just a bit more I have to say before you don't ever have to hear my voice or know my existence ever again. You know it's so hard for me because It's been a few days without you by my side now, and I feel like it's worst than dying. I don't know how to explain it to you Luhan, but you're the onle one who I want to be with. There's no reason to it. I don't want to say it's because of your smile because thousands and millions of people have a beautiful smile like yours, I don't want you to mistake me as a player. It's only you who I love. I'm sorry I made the biggest mistake of my life, I didn't think it was such a big deal until I tried to look at it with your perspective. I've always said I never knew this or that. You might say it's my only excuse. But it's whatever you want to believe in. Anyways.. I'm not going to ask for your forgiveness anymore, I won't ask you to understand my love for you either. I'm only asking that you completely forget about me and stay happy forever and ever. I love you, okay? I'm sorry you have to listen to such a stupid and lame message from me. You might still think it's fake and everything, but it's okay, just smile always." (YourName) concluded her 'speech'.

"Goodbye world!" She shouted before jumping off the building. My eyes widened as I saw that in reality she's jumping off. I panicked and jumped out my seat, I want to save her! I need to!! Tears came rolling down.. I never thought I'd be crying so hard like this for someone whom I was once so jealous of. I'm so sorry.. I'll never be jealous of anything or anyone ever again, please let there be a miracle to save you (YourName)... because she's too young, she's been through to little for her life to go to an end. It's not the end yet!

...To Be Continued~~~

Ohmygosh..I'm crying! lol ~ There's a box of tissues beside me. Maybe it's just me! ~ Thank you for reading and supporting me, love you! YES YOU. Smile always(:

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