The Grimm Reaper

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City of Mistral

Downtown Mistral

May 20, 2020

Two days have gone by and within the shady parts of Mistral, Qrow, Alex, and Hayashi, walk down the streets among crowds of people. People still carry out their businesses as usual, both legally and illegally.

"You know if there's a good place to eat around her?" Alex asked.

"We can try that place," Qrow pointed to a nearby restaurant.

They looked at the restaurant and noticed a symbol of a spiderweb with a spider in it, etched on the wall.

"Sure, why not," Hayashi said. "And maybe gets some information there as well."

They walked inside and up to a bar and took a seat. Hayashi looked around and noticed that some of the customers are bearing the same tattoos similar to the symbol that was on the wall. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a woman sitting at a table with two bodyguards standing behind her.

The woman is a heavy-set middle-aged woman with light skin and short blonde hair kept in a bob haircut. She has a spider in its web tattooed on her left shoulder, a beauty mark under her right eye, lipstick on her upper lip and purple nail polish on her fingernails. The top of her dress is white and backless, with long sleeves and details, such as beads and straps, in purple. Below is a purple corset, and a long pleated skirt that is yellow on its top layer, purple in the middle one, and white in the lower layer. Her shoes are brown and decorated with a green ribbon. This is the gangster leader of the spider group, Lil' Miss Malachite.

 This is the gangster leader of the spider group, Lil' Miss Malachite

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Lil' Miss looks towards Hayashi who quickly looks away.

"So what do we do now?" Alex asked.

"We pay these people to give us an update on when Cinder will show up," Qrow said.

"Are you sure we can trust these people? They ain't exactly the most... trustful," Alex said.

"They're probably our only chance of getting an update on her arrival since most of the SDF are on other assignments," Hayashi said.

"Better get this over with then," Alex said.

The three men got up from their seats and walked up to Lil' Miss' table.

"That's far enough," Lil' Miss said.

Her two bodyguards walk up to Qrow, Alex, and Hayashi, blocking their way. Hayashi pulls out a wad of Lien and tosses it on the table.

"Okay," Lil' Miss said.

The bodyguards step back as Qrow takes a seat across from her as Hayashi and Alex stand behind them.

"I'm guessing you're Lil' Miss Malachite?" Qrow asked.

"I'm Lil' Miss Gon'-Skin-You-Alive if you ever take that tone with me again," Lil' Miss said as she took out her hand fan. "Now what do you want?"

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