The Black Queen On Earth

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Harrison, Arkansas, USA

Outskirt Home

Outside the town of Harrison, a Mexican family of three were walking up to a large three story home with a swimming pool in the back of the house which was in the middle of a grassy lawn surrounded by a forest.

"Now that we're here, what do we do now?" the daughter asked.

"Now we get settled. Our friends have already set up our new electronics and they said the passwords for our computers and wifi are on the counter, along with our new credit cards and PIN codes," the mother explained.

"It wasn't easy sneaking past the U.S./Mexican border, but it will all be worth it once we settle," the father said.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed before them. When the light died away, they find Salem, Cinder, Tyrian, Watts, Hazel, Adam, Emerald, and Mercury all on the ground. The family approached the group of Remnans.

"What just happened? And who are these people?" the mother asked.

"Hey, aren't these people dressed up as-" before the daughter could finish her sentence, Adam sprung up from the ground.

The bull Faunus drew his sword and slashed at all three family members at once, killing them instantly. Adam sheathed Wilt back into Blush as the others started to get up from the ground and brush themselves off.

"Where are we?" Mercury asked.

"I'm not sure," Salem answered.

"Perhaps we should look around and maybe we can get some clues," Watts said.

Emerald and Mercury knelt down at the dead bodies and started to search through their pockets.

"Did you really have to kill them?" Hazel asked Adam with a disappointed look.

"These pathetic humans could have gone to the authorities and have us on the run," Adam answered.

"So what happened and how are we here?" Tyrian asked.

"It may appear that Cinder's blunder may have helped us discover the secret to this new Dust and the result was that it sent us here," Watts explained, looking at a Dust crystal in his hand.

"Wherever 'here' is," Cinder said.

"I found a set of keys and a wallet," Mercury said. "What did you find, Emerald?"

Emerald didn't speak and her eyes were widened in shock as she held something in her hands.

"Emerald?" Mercury asked.

Mercury approached Emerald to see what she has and grew a surprised look on his face upon seeing what Emerald has in her hands.

"What are you two looking at?" Cinder asked as she approached her two subordinates.

She grabbed the object from Emerald's hands and looked at it. Cinder gained a surprised look on her face upon looking at the object. It was a small keychain which featured Ruby Rose.

"What is this?" Cinder asked.

"Do you think people are creating merchandise for Ruby and her friends? They already did so with Pyrrha way before she came to Beacon," Mercury said.

"If they are, the products would have been made much later on," Hazel said.

"We better see what's inside that house. It could help give us answers," Watts said.

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