The New Base

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Mountain Glenn, Vale

An hour after leaving Beacon Academy, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team GRMA, and Team CFDT are all riding on an air bus with Professor Ozpin, Glynda, and Keaton at the cockpit piloting.

"I can't wait to see what they have done in Mountain Glenn," Yang said.

"I want to see all the cool weapons they got up close," Ruby said.

"I want to see the progress the U.S. military has made so far," Weiss said.

"Not to mention the new huntsmen they are training," Pyrrha said.

"Keaton did say that we get to train them at a few points as part of our punishment," Jacob said.

"So Keaton will give us the tour of the new base and then we get to work?" Jaune asked.

"That's what he told us," Robert replied.

"Attention this is your captain speaking," Keaton said over the P.A. "If you all look out the windows on you left, you will get an overhead view of the base."

Everyone got up from their seats and walked towards the windows. They all saw several bunkers, barreks, hangars, and tents all over the place. Some of the ruined buildings were now in the process of construction. The biggest thing everyone noticed was the runway and a watchtower that was placed where several ruined buildings were once placed.

"This... looks... AWESOME!" Ruby exclaimed.

"They certainly got a lot cleared out while managing to build all this," Blake said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Daniel Air Force Base," Keaton said over the P.A.

Everyone looked in awe as two F-22s flew past the air bus.

"Cool," Jaune said, watching the fighter jets passing by.



A few minutes later, the air bus makes its landing on the airfield. Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT, Ozpin, Glynda, and Keaton all walked off the air bus as the captain's two teammates, Sergeant Cassandra Rogers and Sergeant Alex Barker, both walked up to the arrivals. Along with Cassandra and Alex is a man in a U.S military uniform. He has fair skin, green eyes, and black buzzed cut hair and a soul patch.

"Hey, hey, hey, look who's here," Alex said.

"Hey there, you trouble makers," Cassandra said.

"Hey guys how's it going?" Britney asked.

"Other than protecting this world and ours from this world's wicked witch of the west, we're doing okay," the soldier said.

"Who are you?" Ren asked.

"Private First Class Henry Simon of the United States Army, but you can call me Steel," the soldier nicknamed Steel said.

"He joined our team a few days after the battle of Beacon," Cassandra said.

"Steel has been a real help when we were in Atlas," Alex said.

"You all should have been there to see us in action while working alongside those Ace Op people," Steel said.

"Anyway, your base here seems impressive, Captain," Ozpin said.

"It is impressive. And we're still constructing the base and we are in the process of making plans to have this abandoned city rebuilt with the aid from Atlas," Keaton said.

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