Battle of Vacuo Pt. 1

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Shade Academy, Vacuo

Headmaster's Office

May 29, 2020

It had been two days since the attack on The Mirage. Cassandra, Lydia, and Professors Theodore and Rumpole were in the headmaster's office planning out their next move against The Crown.

"My troops have already located The Crown bunker," Lydia said. "Now we just need a plan of approach."

"I've already contacted Captain Gordon and he'll be arriving within an hour to help out with this," Cassandra said. "He also said he's got a big surprise to show."

"So what do you plan on doing now?" Rumpole asked.

"I'll prepare my troops to ready themselves until we can come up with an approach that can clear out The Crown and rescue the hostages that Gillian is using as aura batteries," Lydia said.

"Yes. We do have to tread carefully with that situation," Theodore said.

Suddenly, a buzz and ping sounds off in Lydia's pocket. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a Scroll and answers it.

"Oui? (Yes?)" she answered as she listened to her caller. "Êtes-vous sûr...? Bien. Poursuivez les préparatifs et attendez d'autres instructions. (Are you sure...? Alright. Continue with preparations and wait for further instructions.)"

Lydia hangs up and looks at Cassandra, Rumpole, and Theodore.

"What is it?" Theodore asked.

"Good news and bad news. Good news is that we can now storm the bunker with little resistance," Lydia said.

"What's the bad news?" Rumpole asked.

"The Crown is on their way here to invade this academy in thirty minutes," Lydia answered, pointing to the floor.

"What?!" Theodore and Rumpole asked in surprise.

"We better get ready then," Cassandra said. "I'll contact Captain Gordon and warn him about the oncoming attack."

"Xanthe, tell the students and Grimm Watch to prepare for battle," Theodore ordered.

"I'll have my men set up as many defenses as they can," Lydia said.



Twenty-eight minutes later, The FFL, Grimm Watch, and the Shade Academy staff and student body were just outside the city of Vacuo setting up defenses. Three AMX-56 Leclerc battle tanks positioned themselves in between the Huntsmen, students, and soldiers.

 Three AMX-56 Leclerc battle tanks positioned themselves in between the Huntsmen, students, and soldiers

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