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Mountain Glenn, Vale


June 2, 2020

The next day back on Remnant, it was morning and in a valley outside of Mountain Glenn, Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, and Steel, along with the Ace Operatives, the Happy Huntresses, and several U.S. soldiers were all hunting and fighting off the Creatures of Grimm. Keaton, Steel, and three other soldiers were kneeling behind some boulders as they were shooting some Grimm.

"Target down!" Steel shouted after shooting and killing a Beowolf.

"Two hostiles on the right!" Keaton shouted as pointed his rifle at two oncoming Beowolves.

Before the Beowolves could get any closer, Robyn ran up with her crossbow and shot two crossbow bolts struck one of the Beowolves on the neck and back. Just as the other Grimm rushes at her, Clover runs up with his iron fishing pole, Kingfisher, and casts his line around its feet, tripping it. Robyn switched her crossbow into her shield form and slashed down at the Beowolf, finishing it off. Two Ursai charge at the Huntsman and Huntress until a voice shouted out close by.


Out of thin air next to the two Grimm, a few crossbow bolts and streams of bullets struck at the Grimm as they dropped to the ground. Right as the Ursai faded away, May and Joanna with their crossbow staffs, along with Cassandra, and three other soldiers faded into view as May deactivated her semblance, Invisibility Field. Suddenly, Six Boarbatusks rushed out of the bushes and charged at the group.

"Stay!" as voice called.

The Boarbatusks slowed to a complete stop, frozen in place. May, Joanna, and Cassandra turn to where the voice came from and sees Marrow pointing at the six Grimm as he was using his semblance, Freeze. While still pointing at the Grimm, Marrow pulled out his large boomerang, Fetch.

"Harriet!" Marrow called.

On que, Harriet with the aid of her semblance, Super-Speed, dashes up to one of the Boarbatusks as she leaves behind a trail of electricity. She brushes her nose with her thumb and smirks before she deploys her robotic exosuit arms, Fast Knuckles, onto her arms. She dashed past all six Boarbatusks as she punched each of the over onto their sides. Marrow quickly threw his boomerang at the Grimm, slicing through each of them in the belly one at a time as it flew back to Marrow as he caught it.

As Keaton, Steel, the two soldiers with them looked on, a large Grimm stomping towards them. The Grimm bared much resemblance to a modern day African elephant. It primarily has a black body like other Grimm, with giant, white tusks and a red patch on its forehead. Like most Grimm, it has bony, white protrusions on their bodies with a massive row of the going down its spine. This Grimm is known as a Goliath.

 This Grimm is known as a Goliath

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