Brother's Arrival

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May 9, 2020

A couple days have passed and Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT are all having breakfast and making plans for their weekend.

"So what do you all want to do today?" Yang asked.

"Well this is your world, so I guess you guys can call the shots if you want, like we did in our world," Jacob said.

"Really? This is going to be awesome! We're gonna have so much fun together!" Nora exclaimed.

"Yeah, this is gonna be awesome!" Ruby exclaimed.

"We just need to watch out for the paparazzi," Rebecca said.

"Rebecca is right, the last thing we need right now is people asking for our autographs and cameras following us everywhere we go," Ren said.

"And hopefully this doesn't get to our heads," Pyrrha said.

Just then, Glynda walks up to the four teams as they then notice the combat teacher.

"Oh, hey Professor Goodwitch, is something up?" Yang asked.

"Professor Ozpin wishes to see you all right after you all are through eating," Glynda said.

"Anything wrong?" Jacob asked.

"Your brother has just arrived this morning and is now waiting in the headmaster's office for you all," Glynda answered.

"Keaton's here? Alright, just let us finish our breakfasts and we'll be there shortly," Jaune said.

"I'll see you all when you're all through," Glynda said as she walked away.

"Oh boy. I know he's gonna be pissed," Jacob groaned to himself.

"Let's just hope he's not too pissed," Robert said.


Beacon Tower

A few minutes later, Teams RWBY, GRMA, JNPR, and CFDT all walked inside Beacon Tower and all walked inside the elevator. A few moments later, the elevator stops and the doors open as Ozpin sits behind his desk with Glynda standing on his right and Keaton with an angered expression on his face, on his left.

"Ayyyy," Jacob said with a nervous smile and giving two thumbs up.

"You can cut the Fonzie shit right now, Jacob," Keaton said. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you and your friends are all in?"

"Well yeah but-" Jacob gets cut off by his brother.

"The actions you've taken could have gotten you all into a federal prison!" Keaton shouted. "I mean seriously, how did you even get here anyway?"

Team JNPR, Weiss, Blake, and Yang turned their heads at Ruby as she gave a nervous look while rubbing the back of her head.

"They've had a little help," Ruby sheepishly answered.

"Since you did help them get here without anyone's permission, that would also mean you would have been in as much trouble as they are, Ruby," Keaton said.

"Well we couldn't just stay back on Earth and do nothing while Remnant is on the verge of chaos," Britney said.

"Yeah, and besides that, we couldn't do pretty much anything because of the coronavirus," Robert said.

"And those freaking liberals back home are pretty much trying to make everyone's lives a living hell," Ricky added.

"You don't think I know that? I get reports everyday on what has been occurring back home and I'm just as pissed off about it as you are," Keaton said. "I'm just glad that none of the Democrats don't know about Remnant because if they did, they'd probably blab about it to the entire world of Earth and try to take advantage of that too. It's a headache just thinking about it."

"Look, we're sorry that we came here without authorization but we didn't want to leave Remnant's conflicts alone so that eventually they would end up on Earth. We had to come here at the first opportunity then wait for months to get permission," Jacob said.

Keaton bowed his head with a heavy sigh while rubbing his forehead, then looked back up again.

"I've already reported to the higher ups about this, and you should all consider yourselves lucky," Keaton said.

"What do you mean?" Kendra asked.

"Turns out, the government decided to let you all stay here because you all as the first Earthlings to be the first to have your auras unlocked, have more experience than the ones we are having to train. Meaning you all would have to share your experience in the field with the new Terran huntsmen so they can have a better fighting chance," Keaton explained.

"So we're all not going to prison?" Ricky asked.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you are off the hook. That goes for your Remnan friends here too," Keaton replied.

"What?! But we didn't even do anything!" Yang shouted.

"Yes, and it's Ruby that stashed the new Dust in Jacob's bag without anyone noticing. The rest of us had nothing to do with this," Weiss said, pointing at her partner.

"Snitch!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Well you all are her friends and it seems fitting that if one of you gets it, then the rest have to follow," Keaton said with a smirk.

Blake, Weiss, Yang, and Team JNPR turned and glared at Ruby who gave a nervous chuckle.

"So after this, all of your asses are mine for the weekend and it's gonna be a living hell for you all," Keaton said with an evil smile.

"What do you mean exactly?" Jaune asked.

"When you all leave this tower, Captain Gordon will take you all to Mountain Glenn to inflict some disciplinary actions on you all for the weekend," Glynda explained.

"And after some discussion on this decision, I have chosen to allow it," Ozpin said.

"Awww, then we'll never go into the city and have some fun," Nora whined.

"Besides you all shouldn't go into the city anyway for right now because all the media and people in the city are all determined to see you all," Glynda said.

"Also Glynda and I will be coming with you all to see their new base there and see their new huntsmen to make sure they know what to do out in the field," Ozpin said.

"So when do we leave then?" Blake asked.

"Immediately," Keaton replied.

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