From Bad to Worse

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Somewhere in Eastern Solitas

Teleporting Dust Warehouses

Back on Remnant, within Solitas, Winter, Penny, the Ace Operatives, the Happy Huntresses, and a few Atlesian soldiers continue to fight off the White Fang.

"Keep fighting! We're pushing them back!" Winter shouted as she slashed at a White Fang soldier's chest.

"Um... guys?" Marrow asked as he pointed out in the tundra.

Everyone turned to see A large herd of Grimm stampeding their way towards the warehouses.

"There's no way we can beat all of them!" Harriet shouted.

"We must try!" Elm shouted, swinging Timber at another White Fang soldier.

Suddenly, an artillery round struck several Grimm. Everyone turned to see where the shot came from and saw a group of T-14 Armata tanks, three Mil helicopters, and several groups of Russian soldiers as they began to open fire at the Grimm. The Grimm then turned away from the warehouses to attack the Russians. A moment later, Sergeant Alexey Belitrov drove up to Winter, Clover, and Robyn on a snowmobile.

"Me and my men were out here patrolling until we saw the Grimm heading your way. So we thought you might need some help," Alexey said.

"Good thing you did. We wouldn't be winning if you hadn't shown up.

The four were then suddenly getting shot at, making them dive for cover. They looked to see More White Fang soldiers trying to shoot at them.

"Shall we?" Alexey asked.

Winter, Clover, and Robyn charged out in the open while Alexey began to open fire on the Faunus supremacists.



Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

First Horizon Plaza

Meanwhile back on Earth, Amber glared at Cinder, getting into a stance as Cinder calmly walked around her.

"It's nothing personal, dear. You're just not worthy of such power. But I am... So I will take... what is mine..." Cinder said, before coughing.

"It was never yours to begin with," Amber said as she drew out her staff.

Cinder charges at Amber and swung her obsidian glass swords at Amber as she jumps away from the attack. Amber swung the wind Dust crystal end of her staff, unleashing a blast of wind at Cinder, pushing her back several feet. Cinder faces her palm to a window on the building next to her, and coalesces the window into several glass shards, which she hurls at the Maiden. Amber is knocked back from the damage, face down in the quickly gets back up to her feet just as Cinder rushes towards her. Cinder attempts to slice Amber with the two blades, only for the Maiden to deflect each hit and kick the assailant away.

Ruby, Kelly, Jacob, Yang, Kendra, Velvet, and Cade approached and saw Amber and Cinder attacking each other. Just as they were about to run in to intervene, bullets struck the ground in front of their feet. They turned to see Tyrian charging at them, while trying to shoot at them.

"Ruby, Velvet, and I will hold off Tyrian! You guys help Amber!" Jacob shouted.

Jacob, Ruby, and Velvet rush over at the scorpion Faunus as Cade, Yang, Kelly, and Kendra rush over to help Amber. Before they could intervene, The Hound flew down from the sky and lands right in front of them, giving out a roar. Tyrian charges over to Ruby with a cackle, but Jacob jumps in between them and bashes Tyrian's head with his shield. Tyrian swung his tail at Jacob's legs, making him fall on his back. Before Tyrian could lung his stinger at Jacob, he hears the sound of a camera snapping. He turns his head to see Velvet putting her camera away and then creates a hard light copy of The Queen's Servants. The rabbit Faunus charged over at the scorpion Faunus and tried slashing at him as he dodged her attacks. Before Velvet attacks again, Tyrian activates his semblance and sweeps his hand at her stomach. Before Tyrian could land a fatal blow, Ruby dashed at the mad serial killer and swung her scythe at him. Tyrian flips over the attack and kicks Ruby to the ground.

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