Highway to Hell

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Somewhere in Eastern Solitas

Teleporting Dust Warehouses

Above the snowy tundra of Solitas, a Manta flies straight towards several rows of warehouses with a wall around them. They landed on a landing dock within the area where several guards are waiting. The door opens and boarding off was Winter, Penny, the Ace Operatives and the Happy Huntresses. One of the guards approaches Winter as she turns her head to face him.

"Special Operative Schnee. We were told that you were coming," the guard greeted with a salute.

"Has there been any unusual activity?" Winter asked.

"Negative. It's all been quiet," the guard answered. "Is there something wrong?"

"Our American allies have informed us that the White Fang would attack this place for the new Dust sometime today," Clover explained.

"There hasn't been any attack here yet," the guard said.

"Well Ironwood had us come here to provide for extra protection," Robyn said.

"We're here to help," Penny said.

Suddenly, a gunshot was here and a bullet struck the guard in the head, killing him instantly.

"Get down! Take cover!" Winter shouted.

Everyone quickly scrambled to find cover. More gunshots were heard and a couple more guards were hit. Penny launched herself into the sky and began to look around the area. She zoomed in on a mountain and saw five White Fang soldiers with sniper rifles shooting down at the base. She brought out Floating Array and shot a laser at the Faunus shooters. The White Fang grunts noticed the attack and quickly jumped away from the laser.

Winter, Clover, and Robyn looked up at Penny from the wall until a rocket flew out of nowhere and struck her, sending her falling to the ground in front of them. They turned to see where the rocket came from and saw five White Fang trucks driving towards their location.

"Better get this over with," Robyn said, readying her crossbow.



Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

Interstate 640

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Meanwhile back on Earth, the White Fang, Neo-Nazis, Merlot Androids, Salem's associates, and the Creatures of Grimm continue to chase Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, CFDT, and CFVY, and Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, Cade, Ozpin, Qrow, Amber, Ilia, Oscar, and their escort down the highway. The paladins began to shoot at the truck and Humvee, but their targets swerved from side to side narrowly missing them. The Humvee gunners on top began to shoot back at the paladins. The shots from their guns deflected off of the paladins' armor. The paladin that Watts is piloting shot a rocket at one of the Humvees and exploded upon impact, destroying it.

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