Stepping to Relations

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June 6, 2020

It was morning, the next day and everyone was preparing to board onto the Monty Oum. Professor Ozpin, Professor Theodore, Professor Pauline Bellerose, Professor Xanthe Rumpole, Professor Glynda Goodwitch, and Taiyang were all preparing to board onto their airships until Ruby and Jacob walked towards them.

"You're not coming with us?" Ruby asked.

"I'm afraid not Ms. Rose. We all have to go back to the Huntsmen academies and do our jobs," Ozpin answered.

"Besides we have to deal with the press and they will be asking a lot of questions when we get back," Glynda said.

"Especially when the Councils get involved," Bellerose added.

"Pffft. Politics. Am I right?" Jacob asked.

"You got that right. They are such a pain. I just want to take 'em to the ring and settle it," Theodore said, pounding his fists together.

"You know we can't do that Theodore," Rumpole said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I hope this doesn't get too out of hand," Ruby said.

"I'm sure things will turn out to be fine in the end Ms. Rose. General Ironwood and Ms. Hill and their supporters are already on their way to Atlas. We just need to have patients," Ozpin said.

"So what of the voice actors?" Bellerose asked.

"Heading back to Earth and doing what they do best. Entertain," Jacob answered.

"Attention all Monty Oum personnel, launch will commence in ten minutes," a man on PA announced.

"You two better get going. Wouldn't want to miss your flight now would you?" Glynda asked.

"Right. We'll see you when this is over," Jacob said.

"Good luck," Ozpin said.

"Bye, sir," Ruby said.

"Be careful, Ruby!" Tai said.

"Will do, dad!" Ruby said

Ruby and Jacob turned around and walked up to the American airship and boarded inside where their friends were waiting.


City of Atlas

June 8, 2020

Two days later, the Monty Oum has now reached the city of Atlas with many Atlesian airships above it, and stations itself in front of the floating island. Inside the airship, the students look out the windows and down on Atlas.

"We finally made it to Atlas," Yang said.

"Hopefully General Ironwood won't try anything drastic with all those airships," Weiss said.

"This is the most incredible thing I've ever seen," Kendra said.

"Definitely a sight to behold," Allen said.

"Look. Over there," Arslan said, pointing out the window.

Approaching toward the right side of Atlas were two flying aircraft carriers, much like the Monty Oum. One of the airships had the Japanese flag and the other was the flag of the United Kingdom. The British flag is a white-fimbriated symmetric red cross on a blue field with a white-fimbriated counterchanged saltire of red and white.

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