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City of Mistral

Team JNPR, Ruby, Jacob, Alex, Qrow, and Hayashi are all riding on a UH-X Helicopter to the city of Mistral.

Team JNPR, Ruby, Jacob, Alex, Qrow, and Hayashi are all riding on a UH-X Helicopter to the city of Mistral

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"So Hayashi, why are you joining us?" Pyrrha asked.

"Other than to help you all with your mission, the city of Mistral's lower classes are something that the SDF are currently investigating due to thieves, assassins, crime syndicates, corrupt Huntsmen, etcetera," Hayashi explained.

"In other words, finding a way to bring law and order into Mistral," Qrow said as he drank from his flask.

"Exactly," Hayashi said.

"So any ideas on what we should do after we get to Mistral?" Ren asked.

"I'm not sure right now. I need time to plan on what to say to Leo without giving information about the Spring maiden," Qrow said.

"Actually... maybe we should tell Professor Lionheart about the Spring Maiden," Jacob said.

Everyone turned to Jacob with a raised eyebrow.

"Kid, what are you talking about, exactly?" Qrow asked.

"I'm saying we should tell Professor Lionheart Raven's location and say that she has the Spring Maiden," Jacob said.

"Why exactly?" Jaune asked.

"Think about it for a minute. We tell him what I had just said without telling him Raven is the Spring Maiden, he tells Salem this so Cinder will go after the Spring Maiden. That way, we can all get the drop on her," Jacob explained.

"Are you saying that we use Raven and her tribe as live bait in order to capture Cinder?" Alex asked.

"Doing that will give us an advantage," Jacob said.

"Yeah, he's right. We get Raven and we get Cinder and the other half of Amber's Fall Maiden powers," Ruby said.

"You know, now that I think about it, that could work. We can just have the SDF help us capture them instead of the Huntsmen in Mistral," Alex said.

"Yeah, it's a win-win for us," Ruby said.

"Alright, we are going with Jacob's plan tomorrow," Alex said.

Hey, guys look. We're here," Nora said.

They all looked out the windows and saw a large city built on two mountains. Various buildings cover the mountains from the summits to the foothills. Haven Academy lies at the top of the city spanning across the peaks of both mountains, which themselves are part of a wider mountain range. Stone stairways act as the main routes in the city.

 Stone stairways act as the main routes in the city

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