Making Ready

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Rodeway Inn

At night in a hotel, Teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY, along with Qrow, Ilia, Amber, and Cade were inside a hotel room watching and flipping through news channels. The television showed a video feed of Grimm roaming around in a city.

"Attacks all over the world had taken place by small groups of terrorists, along with what appears to be robots and black monstrous creatures with bone-like armored structures on them," a reporter said.

Qrow switches the television to another news channel. The television now showed live footage of ambulances and police cruisers.

"The death toll globally is estimated to be over 2.8 million, but those numbers are still being counted as we speak," another reporter said.

Everyone in the room watched in horror as they listened in to how many had been killed.

"All those people..." Weiss trailed off.

Qrow switches to another news channel, now showing a couple of Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter jets flying through the sky.

"The U.S. military has assumed Condition Delta, a threat level that hasn't been issued since the 9/11 attacks. Militaries around the world are also on high alert. All airports around the world have been shut down until further notice," a news anchor said.

"The whole world on high alert," Fox said.

"Earth has never had any experience with Grimm attacks. Their reactions are justified," Yatsuhashi said.

Qrow once again changed the TV to another news channel, as it showed live footage of several American soldiers escorting three White Fang soldiers in handcuffs to an armored truck.

"Although the attacks are now under control,the creature have been killed, the robots have been destroyed, and some of the terrorists are now in custody, most of the terrorist groups managed to escape undetected. Also upon closer inspection, the terrorists who have been caught appear to have animal appendages on them that are shockingly confirmed to be real," a reporter said.

Blake, Ilia, and Velvet all had saddened looks on their faces, realizing that this was the Faunus' official first public appearance on Earth and had greeted Earth with hostility. They feared that The White Fang's aid in the attacks would negatively affect Earth's views on the Faunus. Qrow sighed as he shuts off the television.

"What are we gonna do?" Yang asked.

"We'll meet up with Keaton tomorrow morning, along with the others. but we might need to try and keep a low profile," Qrow answered.

"Why is that, Uncle Qrow?" Ruby asked.

"Ruby, civilians had been filming us fighting the Grimm and some of Doctor Merlot's androids on their devices," Weiss answered.

"People are going to be more than likely coming up to us asking questions. Especially those who are fans of our show," Ren added.

"I can already imagine the autographs that they are going to ask from us," Pyrrha said in annoyance.

"Keaton and his band of soldiers said that they would get some clothes for us," Qrow said before turning his head to RWBY and JNPR. "You guys on the other hand, still have your Earthly attires."

"Thankfully they let us go back to Beacon to get our stuff from our dorm rooms," Weiss said.

"I just hope the clothes that Keaton would get for us would be fashionable," Coco said.

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