Encounters Pt. 2

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Feldspar, Vacuo

A Vacuan bullship makes its landing outside the settlement of Feldspar. Team CFVY, Kendra, and Kelly all stepped off the bullhead and started to walk up to the settlement.

"So this is Feldspar?" Kendra asked.

"Should be. There have been some negative energy spikes here lately, like in the book," Coco said.

"If there is, then Gus and his grandfather are here," Velvet said.

"And Carmine and Bertilak are here escorting them as well," Yatsuhashi added.

"So you all remember what our objectives are?" Kelly asked.

"Find the two rogue huntsmen and bring them in and get the Caspians to Oscuro Academy," Fox answered.

"Then let's do this," Coco said.

"Remember, we can't let them know we're on to them," Kendra said.

The settlement the group walks in consists of several poorly arranged tents, walls made out of trucks and vans, and adobe homes. It did not have any defenses of any kind It also has a fully-operational support CCT tower. Everyone walks around and notices that nobody seemed to be around.

"Where is everyone?" Kelly thought.

"They are all around us. I can sense them," Fox answered.

"Should we say something?" Coco asked.

"I guess we should," Velvet said.

"It's okay everyone! We're Huntsmen from Shade Academy!" Kendra said.

They waited for a response. Soon people started to come out to greet them. An old woman with spiky gray hair and a leathery face walks up to them.

"Greetings, huntsmen. I'm Slate," the woman now known as Slate introduced.

"So what are you kids doing here anyway?" Coco frowned at being called a kid to which Slate noticed.

"Everyone's a kid to me. Didn't mean nothing by it," Slate said.

"Shade Academy received some information that there has been some disturbances going on in this area. So we come to investigate," Coco explained.

"Come inside and I explain," Slate said. "We also have two huntsmen inside."

"Huntsmen?" Yatsuhashi asked.

"Bertilak and Carmine," Slate replied.

"Yep. They're definitely here," Fox sent.

The group follows Slate inside a large tent. The inside of the tent appears to function as a tavern. Slate picks out a table at the center for everyone to sit at. A perky Faunus with a pig snout came over.

"Today's specials are crab burgers, crab steak, crab cake, and crab rangoon. All very fresh," the waitress rattled off the offerings.

"I'm gonna need an ale, Topez. Make it two to start, and keep them coming," Slate said to the waitress now known as Topez. "And as much as I love crab anything, I've been dreaming about your spicy bat stew for days. Got any of that left?"

"For you? Anything," Topez said.

The group went and gave out their orders to Topez.

"I'll get those orders right-" Topez was suddenly shoved aside by a man.

The man is a tall, broad and muscular man standing at six feet and six inches tall. He has a green mohawk and matching goatee. He wears a brown, hooded cloak and a green chest plate over a black tunic. He also has a mace on his belt. He has a long scar along his right forearm. This is one of the two Crown hired huntsmen, Bertilak Celadon.

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