Separate Travels Pt. 1

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Beacon Academy, Vale

Landing Docks

May 16, 2020

The next day early in the morning, Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, CFDT, and CFVY were all at the landing docks, as they were preparing to depart.

"Welp, today is the day we all go our separate ways," Britney said.

"Yeah, at least for a while," Jacob said.

"Well if this is what it takes to save the world, then so be it," Ruby said.

"So are you sure you'll be okay?" Kendra asked Robert.

"I'll be fine. Just worry about yourself when you get to Vacuo. It may be a hot zone out there, but Vacuo is not as hot as you," Robert said.

"Keep telling me that," Kendra said with a smirk before kissing Robert.

"Jaune, are you doing alright?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah, it's just that I just don't want anything to happen to you during our mission," Jaune replied.

"Jaune, I promise I'll stay by your side and not let anything happen to us," Pyrrha said as she then kisses Jaune.

"Awww," a voice cooed.

Jaune and Pyrrha both turned to see Nora with a huge grin on her face with Ren behind her, giving a smile.

"We're with you guys too," Ren said.

"Yeah!" Nora exclaimed.

"Thanks guys," Pyrrha said.

"This is gonna be good," Coco said.

"It's gonna be awesome hanging around with you guys," Kelly said.

"I'm sure things will be a lot more interesting," Yatsuhashi said.

"Hey guys," a voice called to everyone.

Everyone turned to see Keaton and the rest of his team all carrying backpacks, alongside Ozpin, Oscar, Glynda, Ironwood, and Qrow. Cassandra, Alex, and Steel all have different outfits on instead of their military uniforms.

Steel had a red buttoned up Hawaiian t-shirt with white flower patterns all over it, a pair of light blue pants, and a pair of brown shoes.

Cassandra's hair is down and is wearing a pair of brown boots, a light brown pair of cargo pants, and a light green tank top, showing off a tattoo of a dagger with a snake wrapped around it on her left shoulder. She also wears a pair of black fingerless gloves, a red bandana over her head, and a pair of sunglasses.

Alex wears a pair of grey and black sneakers, blue jeans, and a brown jacket with a white undershirt.

"Is everyone ready to leave?" Ozpin asked.

"Yep. All the stuff we need is in the bullheads," Ricky answered.

"Then let's get going," Alex said.

"Good luck out there, kids. You're gonna need it," Keaton said as the teams, Cassandra, Alex, Steel, and Qrow all got into their bullheads.

"Be careful, students," Ozpin said.

As the hatch doors on the bullheads closed, the bullheads began to take off and fly off in different directions.

"What happens now?" Oscar asked.

"You are going to do some training under my supervision," Ozpin answered. "And as for the others, all we can do is hope things will operate smoothly without any hiccups."

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