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Haven Academy

Dorm Rooms

May 24, 2020

It was now morning the next day and Ruby, Team JNPR, Jacob, Britney, and Robert entered the Dorm building.

"My team and I will look for the rest of Team SSSN," Jaune said.

"And the rest of us will find Team ABRN," Ruby said.

Ruby, Jacob, Britney, and Robert walk into a hallway while Team JNPR splits off from the others, walking up the stairs. After a moment of walking through the hall, Ruby, Jacob, Britney, and Robert approach up to one of the doors.

"This has got to be their dorm room," Robert said.

"Well, let's not keep them waiting," Ruby said.

Britney knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

The door opens to reveal a young woman with a dark complexion, platinum blonde hair and olive green eyes. She wears a yellow robe with only one wide, loose-fitting sleeve over a black tube top. She also has black pants and shoes and a red sash embroidered with a white "endless knot" on it. She has bandages on both her legs and arms as well as a red necklace and what appears to be two matching red sticks on the back left side of her head. This is the leader of Team ABRN, Arslan Altan.

 This is the leader of Team ABRN, Arslan Altan

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"Hello?" Arslan answered.

"Hey, do you and your team have time to talk with you all for a minute?" Jacob asked.

"Um, sure. Come on in," Arslan said.

Ruby, Jacob, Britney and Robert walk inside the dorm room and see three more people inside.

The first is a young man who has lightly-tanned skin, amber eyes, and black hair. He wears two yellow sashes, one around his waist the other over his shoulder alongside a dark blue vest and gray pants with yellow lacing up the sides. He also wears black boots and black fingerless gloves, and a dark gray beaded necklace. This is the perceptive member of Team ABRN, Bolin Hori.

 This is the perceptive member of Team ABRN, Bolin Hori

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