Atlas Campaign

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Atlas Academy, Atlas

Training Room

In the Atlas Academy training room, Weiss held Myrtenaster at the ready as Winter watched her from behind. She was now back wearing her original Volume 4 attire. She steps back, twirls, a stream of blue-white light coming from the tip of her sword. On the close of her twirl, Weiss holds it aloft before striking the tip to the floor. A Summoning glyph appears as it glows brightly and spins fast. As the glyph spins faster, something emerges out of it. A medieval suit of armor with clawed finger tips and pointed protrusions on its helmet, fingers and knees. It is also holding a large sword. It stands at least twice as tall as Weiss. She has successfully summoned an Arma Gigas. Weiss smiles as the Arma Gigas goes down to one knee and bows at her.

"Your summoning is starting to improve," Winter said. "Though your form is a little sloppy."

"I know," Weiss sighed, as the Arma Gigas shatters and disappears.

"Still upset about last night?" Winter asked.

"I've been trying to get it out of my head. It felt good to stand up to Father," Weiss said.

"And by cussing him and our brother out as well?" the elder Schnee asked.

"Although I've never done that before, I felt no regret doing that to Father," Weiss said. "Whitley however, although he's hard to deal with, he is in the same boat as the rest of us, even if he doesn't see it that way."

"You've said what you wanted to say, even if some of it was a bit colorful," Winter said.

"I'm glad I got friends who stick up for me," Weiss said.

"Especially that boy who slammed Father to the floor," Winter said with a smirk.

"Ricky is the type of person that looks out for everyone he cares about," Weiss said.

"I can see that," Winter said. "You've made good friends, Weiss."

Weiss walks up to her sister and hugs her. Winter was caught off guard by this and a moment later returns the hug. They both stopped hugging and looked at each other.

"By the way, where is Ricky?" Weiss asked.

"He's touring around Mantle with Neo," Winter answered. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious," Weiss said.

"Are you sure about that? I bet you miss him," Winter said with a smirk.

"Winter!" Weiss said with a blush.

"I'm joking," Winter said with a smile.


Mantle, Atlas

Meanwhile down in the city of Mantle, Ricky and Neo are walking in the streets touring the industrial city under the floating city of Atlas. Ricky watches a couple of trucks pass by that were carrying a group of miners covered in black material, sitting in the beds. Ricky sighs as he looks down.

"Poor bastards. I don't know why they chose to put up with that S-O-B of the SDC," he said.

Neo shrugs in response to Ricky's words.

"This infuriates me. I'm glad Weiss chose to leave his hellhole. I would have capped his ass real easy," Ricky said.

Neo drags her thumb across her neck, making a slit throat motion as she pointed up at Atlas.

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