Mall Raid

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Sam's Club

It had been twenty minutes since Amber had been kidnapped. Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, GRMA, and CFDT, and Professor Ozpin, Oscar, Ilia, Cade, Keaton, Cassandra, Alex, and Steel all looked out from a Sam's Club parking lot, looking across the street at the abandoned Knoxville Center Mall. A crow flew from the mall and down towards the group. The crow turns into Qrow as he lands and walks up to them.

"What did you find?" Ozpin asked.

"Grimm, White Fang, Dr. Merlot's tin cans, those Nazi people. They are all inside that place with some equipment and trucks parked outside," Qrow answered.

"How the hell did they get all that in there without anyone noticing?" Robert asked.

"My most likely guesses are either through the use of the teleporting Dust, or getting it all here at the cover of night while everyone is asleep," Weiss said.

"Or both," Ren said.

"Amber is inside the west side of the mall. Specifically JCPenney, according to the tracker," Cade said.

"The whole place is guarded, especially the west side parking lot. No way we can get in that way. The east side looks to be a little less guarded," Qrow said.

"Then we're gonna have to go in through the east side and go through the mall 'til we get to the west side to find Amber," Steel said.

"You think anyone would notice this?" Pyrrha asked.

"The White Fang out in the parking lot appeared to be dressed up as some sort of workers and have their animal features and weapons concealed," Qrow answered.

"Plus, the mall has been officially closed down since the end of January of this year and has been set for demolition, so people will just think that they are just demolition workers or something," Jacob added.

"All in all, nobody is going to notice or even care," Britney said.

Keaton hangs up on his phone and turns to face everyone.

"Listen up. I just contacted for some back up and it's going to be a little while until it arrives. We've contacted the city council to have the east side of this district evacuated. So if things go south, we unleash hell without any civilian casualties. Until then, we're on our own. Now let's gear up first and then form up a plan of approach," he explained.

Alex opens the back of the van, which reveals three duffle bags, four rifles, and a locked box with the label 'Top Secret' on it. Cassandra grabs the box and walks over to Cade.

"You're gonna need this, Cade," Cassandra said with a smirk.



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