Red vs. Blue

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Mountain Glenn, Vale

Daniel Air Force Base

Hangar 5

June 5, 2020

It was the morning of the next day, everyone was gathered in the hangar. Keaton stood on the stage, behind the podium.

"Tomorrow, we will be leaving for Atlas. So tonight, make sure you're all ready to go before we depart. But today you are all wondering what we're doing today," Keaton said.

"Yes, you did say you got something planned for us today," Weiss said.

"That we do," Keaton replied.

Steel and Alex walk upon the stage, wearing paintball armor and carrying paintball guns. Alex's armor was all red and Steel's was all blue.

"Paintball?" Robert asked.

"Their might come a time where you may have to fight without aura and or with other weapons." Keaton said. "So today, as a test, we're having a paintball tournament."

"You'll all be split into two teams; Red and Blue," Keaton said.

Kelly snickered as Jacob shook his head in amusement.

"You ever wonder why we're here?" Ricky asked with a smirk.

Team GRMA, and Yang, Ruby, Nora, Jaune and Rebecca all broke down into laughter.

"Yeah, we know. Very funny. The guys of Rooster Teeth wanted us to do this as a joke," Steel said.

"Now we'll split you all into two teams," Keaton said.

The holographic screen appeared above the captain's head. The left side of the screen was titled Red, as the right side was titled Blue. The teams' names and other names appeared upon the screen. The Red side's names were RWBY, GRMA, NDGO, ABRN, SSSN, The Happy Huntresses, Qrow Branwen, Oscar Pine, Penny Polendina, Coco Adel, Fox Alistair, and Neopolitan. The Blue side's names were JNPR, CFDT, BRNZ, FNKI, CRDL, The Ace Operatives, Taiyang Xiao Long, Cade Hudson, Velvet, Scarlatina, Yatsuhashi Daichi, and Ilia Amitola.

"The teams have been made. Steel and Barker will be your team captains," Keaton said.

"So what are our goals in this paintball tournament?" Jaune asked.

"It's capturing the enemy's flag. Here are the rules. The team that gets the opposing team's flag to their post wins, but your flag must be at its post or else it won't count. If you get hit, you're out. And you can't use your semblances or other abilities," Keaton explained. "Now both teams follow your captains."

Alex and Steel walked off of the stage and out of the hangar as the two teams followed them behind them.


Mountain Glenn Ruins

Red Camp

An hour had passed and within the ruined city, a large red tent was pitched in the middle of a street with a red flag next to it and several barriers all over the place. Inside the tent, Teams RWBY, GRMA, NDGO, ABRN, SSSN, The Happy Huntresses, and Qrow, Oscar, Penny, Coco, Fox, and Neo all wore red color-schemed paintball armor. Alex stood next to a large map of Mountain Glenn.

"Okay team listen up, the Blues have their tent set up three blocks southeast from here. We're gonna be split into two teams. The first team will go on the offensive to capture the enemy's flag, while the other will stay behind to guard our flag," Alex said.

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