Earth Preparations

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Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

Prescott Residence

Back on Earth, Jacob walks up to his aunt and uncle's house, wearing a mask that was covering his nose and mouth. He walks inside and takes his mask off.

"I'm home!" Jacob called out.

"Hey, Jacob," Judy said as she and Leon came up to him.

"How was your spar with your friends?" Leon asked.

"Good. Just a little upset that we can't go back to Remnant and help out anyway we can because of the COVID-19 escapade," Jacob said.

"I know you're all upset, but they want to prevent the virus from spreading to Remnant too," Leon said.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that this whole thing is just so frustrating. I mean we can't even go back to school now because of this," Jacob said.

"We know what you mean," Judy said.

"You just need to be patient. I'm sure something will come up soon," Leon said.

"I hope so," Jacob said.

He walks down the hall and into his room. Upon entering, he sees his baby sister, Ashley playing with the straps on his bag on the floor.

"Hey, Ashley. what are you doing there?" Jacob asked in a happy tone.

Ashley laughed as she raised her hands and made grabbing motions.

"Alright," Jacob said as he grabbed Ashley.

He then grabs his bag as a brown pouch falls to the floor.

"What's this?" Jacob asked himself.

He drops the bag then picks up the pouch. He then proceeds to open it one handed as he was still carrying Ashley. As he finally opened it, his eyes widened in shock at what he saw inside. He saw that the pouch was filled with small teleportation Dust crystals inside. He puts the pouch on his bed and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He quickly dialed a number on his phone then placed it in his ear.

"Pick up. Pick up. Pick up already," Jacob muttered.

"Hello?" Kelly answered through the phone.

"Kelly, are the others at your house?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Kelly asked.

"I'll tell you when I get there. I see you all soon," Jacob said, then hangs up his phone.

"I got to go Ashley. I'll be back," Jacob said as he set the infant on the floor.

He grabs the pouch and grabs a teddy bear then hands it to Ashley. He walks out of his room and then out the front door as he puts his mask on his face.


McFoley Residence

Later at Kelly's house, Kelly, Allen, Ricky, Britney, Rebecca, Robert, and Kendra were all in the upstairs living room and were wondering why Jacob wanted them all here.

"What do you think Jacob kept us all here for?" Kendra asked.

"I don't know, but I'm guessing something must have gotten his attention," Allen said.

Everyone then heard the front door open then heard footsteps coming up the stairs and up came Jacob.

"Jacob, what's going on?" Britney asked.

"Take a look at what I found," Jacob said as he tossed the pouch at Britney.

She catches the pouch and opens it up, revealing the Dust crystals to everyone. Everyone looks at the crystals in shock and surprise then looks back at Jacob.

"Jacob, where did you get these?!" Kendra asked.

"I accidently found it in my bag," Jacob answered. "I guess someone must have snuck it in my bag while I wasn't looking."

"So I guess we're all here to decide if we should go back to Remnant or not?" Ricky asked.

"Exactly," Jacob replied.

"I say we definitely should go back," Rebecca said.

"Yeah, it's better than sitting around and doing nothing," Kendra said.

"But should we tell the government about this?" Allen asked.

"Allen, if we told the government that we have Dust crystals that can send us back to Remnant and we plan on using them, they would probably confiscate them and tell us to stay here on Earth," Kelly explained.

"But if we don't tell them and we just go anyway, we will get into very serious trouble," Allen said.

"But Ruby and the others may need us," Kendra said.

"But what if Salem finds out about Earth and finds her way here and we are not here to help protect our world?" Robert asked.

"That is why we should go back to Remnant," Kelly said. "So we can not only make sure Salem doesn't know about Earth, but we can also make plans to fight back against her."

"Guys, both sides have powerful arguments," Britney said. "But I believe we should go back, just to be on the safe side."

"Since most of us are in favor of going back to Remnant, then in a couple days that's what we are gonna do," Jacob said.

"So what do we do now until then?" Kelly asked.

"We'll try to convince our families that we will go back," Jacob explained. "And when we do, we will pack what we need. Our weapons, clothes, camping supplies, some food maybe, you name it."

"Some of our parents may not be easily convinced," Britney said.

"Just try and give it a shot. Even if you have to get on your knees and beg," Jacob said.

"And what if they still say no?" Allen asked.

"Then I guess you can just sneak out," Jacob answered.

"I don't know this, Jacob," Kendra said.

"I know it sounds crazy, but we can't just sit around and do nothing as Salem and her followers run around fucking shit up," Jacob said.

"He's right, We can't just sit around and wait for the government to give us the okay. We've been waiting long enough," Britney said.

"Then all those in favor, raise your hand," Jacob replied.

Britney raised her hand, followed by Rebecca, Kelly, Ricky, and Kendra. Allen and Robert remained motionless for a few seconds until they too both raised their hands.

"I hope you know what you are doing, Jacob," Allen said.

"Then it's settled. In two days we leave in the morning. So let's all go to our homes and get ready until then," Jacob said.

"Then let's get started," Rebecca said.

Everyone walked downstairs then walked out the front door.

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