Breakin' Outta Hell Pt. 1

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Somewhere in Eastern Solitas

Teleporting Dust Warehouses

Back on Remnant in Solitas, Winter, Penny, the Ace Ops, the Happy Huntresses, and several soldiers of the Atlas military continue to fight off the White Fang to protect the warehouses full of teleporting Dust.

"They just keep coming!" Marrow said as he threw Fetch at two White Fang soldiers, knocking them to the ground.

Marrow turns to see six more White Fang soldiers approaching him and shooting at him.

"Stay!" Marrow shouted as he pointed at the White Fang grunts,freezing them with his semblance.

With her semblance, Harriet dashes at the frozen White Fang gunners and zips past each of them and punches them to the ground, knocking them unconcious. Elm swung her hammer at three White Fang swordsmen. Two more were about to rush at Elm, Vine grabs them with his Aura Vines and tosses them into a wall. Nine more White Fang soldiers rush at Vine, but a crossbolt strikes the ground in front of them making them halt to a stop. They turned to see where the crossbolt came from and saw Robyn, Fiona, Joanna, and May with their crossbows pointed at them. The Happy Huntresses began to fire crossbolts, forcing the nine White Fang soldiers to scatter away from their attack.

Clover and Winter were back to back, knocking down any White Fang grunt that came their way.

"They can't keep this up forever!" Clover shouted as he knocked down a White Fang swordsman with Kingfisher.

"They have to retreat some time!" Winter shouted as she slashed at another White Fang soldier.

Six more charged towards Winter and Clover, but before they could get any further, Penny flew down and shot a laser blast in front of them. The shockwave of the blast sent them all flying. Penny flies off to fend off more of the White Fang.



Knoxville, Tennessee, USA


Meanwhile back on Earth, the armored truck and the two Humvees just drove into the downtown district of Knoxville. Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, CFDT, and CFVY, and Keaton, Alex, Cassandra, Cade, Ozpin, Qrow, Amber, Ilia, Oscar all sat inside the truck waiting for radio confirmation from the Blackhawk helicopters. Everyone inside then began to hear angry shouting and the truck slowed to a stop.

"What now?" Keaton asked.

Everyone steps out of the truck and walks toward the front of the truck to see what was going on. They all saw a large crowd of people several feet in front of the truck. Some were holding up picket signs and some wore t-shirts that read 'Black Lives Matter.' The crowd was being held back by several police officers in riot gear.

"Are you serious right now?!" Rebecca asked.

"What's going on?" Oscar asked.

"A BLM protest," Ricky answered in an annoyed tone.

"We do have time for this!" Weiss said.

"Let's just go around," Alex said.

"I believe that's going to be a problem," Ozpin said, pointing behind everyone.

They all turned around to see more BLM protestors coming around from behind. More police officers ran up to the second mob of protesters to keep them at bay.

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