New Objectives

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Feldspar, Vacuo

Back in Feldspar, Team CFVY, Kelly, and Kendra all split up across the settlement, asking people about the Grimm attacks and what had happened before. The settlers all said the same thing; everything seemed normal until people unexpectedly got upset for no reason and the Grimm followed after. Despite already knowing what was going on, they still had to maintain their cover. A half an hour later, Team CFVY, Kelly, and Kendra regrouped to discuss a plan.

"So, what do we do? How are we gonna get the Caspians to safety and take down Bertilak and Carmine?" Velvet asked.

"Any ideas?" Fox asked.

"Right now we should talk to the Caspians first and let them know of Carmine and Bertilak's true intentions," Coco said.

"Right, Coco, Fox, and I will distract the Carmine and Bertilak, while you three confront the Caspians," Kendra said, which Kelly, Velvet, and Yatsu nodded.

"Wait for Fox to give the okay." Coco, Fox, and Kendra walked up to a sand shed where Carmine stood outside of.

"Here," Velvet said, holding out a skew with a brown gooey mess on the end of it.

"Uh, what is that?" Yatsuhashi asked.

"Breadfruit," Velvet answered.

"Why is it like that?" Kelly asked.

"It was candied and caramelized," Velvet said.

Yatsuhashi's eyes lit up.

"For me?" Yatsu asked as he took the stick from her.

"I thought you might want to share?" She said. hopefully, steeping her fingers.

Yatsu broke two pieces off of the sticky ball and handed one piece to Velvet and the other to Kelly.

"Thanks," Kelly said as she put it in her mouth, while Velvet nibbled on hers.

"I saw you drooling at the fruit stands," Velvet said with a giggle.

"I don't drool," Yatsuhashi said.

Velvet pointed to the corner of Yatsu's mouth. He swept the back of his hand to the same spot on his mouth and then wiped it on his trousers.

"That was sweat," he said as Kelly tried to hold in a laugh.

"Okay, guys. You're up," Fox sent.

The three see Coco and Fox following Bertilak and Carmine until they are out of view. Yatsuhashi quickly gobbled up the rest of his breadfruit as he, Kelly, and Velvet walked up to the sand shed. They walked up to the entrance which was covered by a dirty old blanket.

"Knock knock," Yatsuhashi called.

"Is anybody home?" Kelly asked.

A moment later, the curtain pulled aside and revealed a boy. The boy has tan skin and looked to be eleven or twelve years old. He is dressed in jeans and a baggy T-shirt from the Thirty-eighth Vytal Festival Tournament in Vacuo. He has short curly black hair. This is the shy and timid youth, August 'Gus' Caspian.

"Hi. I'm Velvet and these are my friends, Yatsuhashi and Kelly," Velvet introduced.

"You're those new Huntsmen," Gus said.

"And you are...?" Velvet asked.

"Gus Caspian," Gus introduced himself.

"Can we come in?" Velvet asked.

Gus shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"Um, I'm not sure," he said with uncertainty.

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