Russians and Nazis Pt. 1

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Atlas Academy

Headmaster's Office

Inside General Ironwood's office, Keaton, Jacob, Weiss, Winter, Ironwood, and Jacques were all still waiting for the Council to arrive.

"What is taking them so long? They should have been here by now," Ironwood said.

"Who knows? Traffic probably?" Jacob asked.

Ironwood's communicator beeps, and he puts his fingers to it, listening.

"Yes...? Send her in," the general said.

"Is it the Council?" Keaton asked.

"No. It's Robyn," Ironwood answered.

The doors open and walking inside the office is Robyn and approaches the small group of people. She looked around and noticed something was wrong.

"Where's the Council? Shouldn't they have been here already?" she asked.

"You weren't the only one to ask that question," Winter replied.

"General Ironwood, sir! We have a problem!" an officer on the comms suddenly interrupted.

"What is it?" Ironwood asked, as a holographic screen appeared over his desk.

The screen showed a video of the Russian military slowly approaching Mantle. Everyone gathered around and watched the video.

"An unknown army has just appeared on our radars, sir. They're heading straight for Mantle," the officer reported.

Keaton narrowed his eyes on one of the tanks and noticed a flag on one of the tanks. The flag is tricolored, consisting of three horizontal fields: the top is white, the middle is blue, and the bottom is red.

"It's the Russians," Keaton said.

"Are they yours? Jacques asked accusingly.

"Definitely not," Keaton answered.

"What are they doing here?" Jacob asked.

"Better question; how did they get here?" Keaton asked.

"Have our men down in Mantle ready," Ironwood ordered into the comms.

"But do not fire a single shot unless shot at first. My men will be joining you," Keaton added.

"Roger. We'll... Sir, we have another problem!" The officer said.

"What now?" Ironwood asked.

"Our security footage caught a group of armed men kidnapping the Council and Willow and Whitley Schnee," the officer reported.

"What?!" everyone asked in shock.

A second screen displayed the video of the Nazis holding the Council and the two Schnees at gunpoint. Jacob looked at the person in the passenger side of the Council's hover car.

"Nazis?" Keaton asked with a stunned look.

"General, can you zoom in on that man in that car?" Jacob asked, pointing to the man on screen.

Ironwood types on his keyboard and the screen zooms in on the man in the car revealing the man to be Victor. Jacob and Keaton widened their eyes in shock.

"Dad?!" Jacob and Keaton asked, beyond shocked.

"Wait! That's your father?!" Weiss asked.

"Your father kidnapped my son?!" Jacques asked.

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