A Little Training

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Unknown Building

June 3, 2020

It was morning the next day and the students, teachers, and Huntsmen were all outside a large building as Keaton and his team stood in front of the front door.

"Alright, kids. Listen up," Keaton began. "You're probably wondering what this place is. To answer your question, this is a gym meant for Huntsmen and Huntresses. What we will be doing today is we're going to watch you all spare each other and evaluate your skills, technique, timing, and weaponry."

"This will give us an understanding of what you all need to do to improve yourselves," Cassandra said.

"This training building comes with a gym, track, sparring rings, an obstacle course, and swimming pool," Steel stated.

"S-sw-sw-swimming p-p-pool?" Neptune asked, stiffing up with fear.

"Aw, yeah!" Yang exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.

"Today we are going to evaluate each and everyone of you in the sparring rings. After that, you are all free to train in the gym," Keaton said.

"Now all of you please follow us inside," Alex said.

Cassandra and Steel opened and held the double doors as Keaton walked inside with everyone else following him. They all eventually walked up into a large circular room with raised bleachers arranged in a circle around a sparring arena. Everyone took a seat on the bleachers as Alex and Glynda walked down in the middle of the arena.

"The rule will be the same as any sparring match. If your aura reaches twenty percent or below, you're out of the match," Glynda said.

"Now we'll randomly select our first two teams," Alex said.

A holographic monitor appears displaying eight roulettes as they start spinning frantically through various teams. As the roulettes spun, the voice actors and actresses of Rooster Teeth walked in and took their seats around Teams RWBY, CFDT, GRMA, and JNPR. right after President Trump walks in with two secret service agents following behind him. He took a seat next to Professor Ozpin and the two agents stood beside him. The roulettes finally slowed to a stop, landing on CFDT and FNKI.

"Team CFDT of Beacon Academy versus Team FNKI of Atlas Academy. Both teams please ready yourselves and step into the ring," Alex said.

CFDT stood from their seats and made their way to the locker rooms.

"Good luck you guys," Ruby said.

"This is gonna be fun," Samantha said.

"I know. To watch a match right in front of use is very exciting," Jen said.

Moments later, CFDT walked into the ring with their weapons in their hands as Flynt and Neon, and two other young men approached.

The first is a tall man with dark blue eyes, fair skin and long dark blue hair styled into low pigtails. He wears a light blue shirt and blue-gray jeans under a matching vest and legging armor set, respectively. He has two large french navy shoulder pauldrons with yellow highlights, a partial duster attached to his right hip and covering his right upper leg. He has navy gloves with ultramarine and yellow accents and calf-length dark blue boots. His gloves are asymmetrical, with the left being longer and covered by a forearm-length gauntlet. This is the serious member of FNKI, Kobalt.

 This is the serious member of FNKI, Kobalt

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